Many conversations bugged people attacking

Post » Thu Nov 26, 2015 9:39 pm


So far I've run into several occasions where a conversation that is supposed to start, doesn't and instead leads to an instant battle. so far, such situations have been, that I know of (SPOILER ALERT):

1. Bobbi and Fahrenheit. When I reach the Strongroom, the battle is instant and I'm forced to kill Fahrenheit. On top of that, once I open the "treasure" door and Bobbi goes in to invest it, once she pays my reward, she instantly attacks me and I'm forced to kill her too.

2. Kellogg. Kellogg asks you to enter so you can talk. I go in and he and the Synths attack me right away.

3. Arts. I don't know if this is a random encounter, but two identical guys both called "Art" are fighting against each other and attack me and I'm forced to kill them. After googling, one Art is supposed to hold the other hostage and they are arguing which one is a Synth. After many reload tries I got the conversation to start (while fighting) where I can use my charisma to determine which one is the synth and kill him. Still the human Art is hostile to me and I end up killing him as well.

4. Henry Cooke in Diamond City. When I enter his bar for the first time, he and Paul are having an argue. He punches Paul and that's when things go ????????. Paul takes out his gun and over a minute long shootout ensues. In the end Paul loses, curses and leaves the bar. I don't know if this gun-fight is supposed to occur or if he was supposed to leave after the punch in the face. Later when I see Paul, I use my Charisma to tell him I will talk to Henry alone. I go to Henry's bar and he is there with the drugdealer. I guess this is where a conversation is supposed to happen, but instead Henry just takes out his shotgun and starts shooting at me. I end up killing him. Same happens when I go to the drugdealer's meeting. All the people there instantly attack me.

5. General Atomics Galleria. When I found this place all bots attacked me, but because they all had unique names I did some googling. Apparently they aren't supposed to attack. Now I don't know what to do. If I go there I'm instantly in battle with them.

6. Courser. No conversation, attacked me on sight. Didn't even kill his hostages.

There were a few more occasions that I can't remember now... and to be honest, I've no idea how many such situations I've already missed thinking there's no conversation to begin with. I've killed a lot of special named characters, mostly raiders or Gunners, who attack me on sight and no idea if they are actually supposed to start a conversation first. I'm level 50+, explored most of the map and only now started to dig into the main-story and now I've no idea what all I've missed thanks to this. Starting over after, erm, embarassed to say this but 85 hours in the game (was on a sickleave so give me a break!) is something I'd much rather avoid.

Anyone else had the same problem? Anyone has any fix, any console command to possible set things back to "default" (if I've accidentaly somehow set some sort of reaction causing this)...

It's very annoying to check the youtube after a quest to see how it -should- have gone.

On top of this bug I've noticed that sometimes a conversation or an action just stops. For example when I went to the vertibird to attack the Fort Strong, the Vertibird didn't move and I was stuck on the minigun. Eventually I got it to move by activating Pip-boy and then resuming game. The same happened with Trish in the Henry Cooke / Paul quest. She laid on the floor, beaten and the conversation ended and only continued once I turned on and off my Pipboy.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 11:03 am

Anyone got any ideas?

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 3:03 am

If you have to start your post with, "it might contain spoilers" then it's best to start it in the Spoilers section of the forum. :)

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 4:24 am

You got a messed up game dude lol
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Amelia Pritchard
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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 2:16 am

Yes it would appear so.

We can now add the Courser to the list of merry buggers to attack on sight. And even on the wrong level. Watching it on youtube he is supposed to be on the top level asking for a password from his hostages. For me he was in three floors lower. He attacked on sight and I killed him. So no conversation about the other synth, no chance to terminate him with the password given to you by the old lady. "Good news" is he didn't kill his hostages so I saved three Gunners! Wohoo, although they didn't live long as I shot them all in the face myself for being Gunners. The other synth was a weird surprise though since the Courser didn't talk to me.


Someone, please, tell me I'm not the only one and someone has a fix?

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:50 am

Still no help here? Argh.

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Post » Fri Nov 27, 2015 8:29 am

After running into this same problem with Virgil attacking me on sight, I finally found the solution. Thank god, otherwise the game had been pretty much done for. :D

In case anyone else is having this problem:

Step out of your Power Armor and try again. The conversations start normally and people are no longer instantly hostile at you.

And for the developers, in case they are reading these, please fix the power armor. For the first 35 levels I didn't use the power armor and instead just gathered fusion cores, but when I finally had 60+ cores and the perk that doubles your fusion core's usage, I've always been in a power armor. No idea how many conversations I've really missed because of this... especially since I'm now level 60.

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