With the absence of Daedra, and the presence of creatures like Dragons, giants, mammoths, etc. the enemies in Skyrim just seem to be too much of the generic fantasy category to me.
I guess I will just have to hope that for the next game, five or so years from now, Bethesda will wisen up and make the next game more similar to Morrowind in that it was more of an alien world with strange creatures rather than a familiar world with generic fantasy creatures and creatures that exist on Earth.
Besides, I disagree; I think Skyrim is the best environment developed to date. I don't mean just visually, I mean in the sense that there isn't an overdone daedric influence, but instead a genuine feeling of how harsh the environment is there. Half the time in Skyrim you're in a dense snow storm with wolves and bears hunting anything they can find.
Plus, I know a lot of people disagree, but I think that dragons add a whole new layer to the game, and generally aren't easy on master without some immense smithed/enchanted equipment. Hell in the MQ I have fully levelled dragonscale armour and I was still having to use terrain to block the dragons' fire so I could recover between engagements. Daedra in TES games were always pushovers in comparison.