» Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:33 pm
You guys missed my point, I'm saying PC game in it's current form is going away, it's just not profitable.
This person is doing it wrong.
PC gaming is probably the MOST profitable section of gaming out there right now. We've got games like WoW which drag in insane amounts of money (over 12 million players), games like StarCraft 2, freakin' minecraft, the entire battlefield series (you know it svcks on consoles, and BF3 has PC as the priority), the ENTIRE RTS genre, most RPGs, freaking Steam (which doesnt give sales numbers, but is assumed to be massive), etc.
PC gaming makes crazy amounts of cash - far more than console gaming.
As for this topic, I cant believe that everyone seems to ignore the hardware impossibilities. Its been said it COUNTLESS interviews that the editor is much harder to run than the actual game, and Crysis 2 JUST runs on consoles. It cant physically be done. Why must you guys ignore this fact and perpetuate a useless thread?
Did anyone actually in those interviews (that you didn't include links to and I would like to read or see) actually say that it was impossible, or just that it was harder to run? Because to me, harder to run doesn't mean impossible to run... I mean honestly... all this negativity. where are all the "glass is half full' PC gamers...
Also, how do you know what they can't do with their own crap? Don't you think that MAYBE they could make a simplified one that COULD work on the consoles? And you know, I'd be fine with that. It's like you guys think that the same exact editor on the PC would also be one on the consoles... OBVIOUSLY they would have to change it, but don't you think that if they are planning it that they would have thought of a way to get it to work? As I've said before, give me a few 1, 2, and 3 room buildings and ladders and I'll freakin' make you a map shaped like a cake, that plays well AND is tasty too. All I want to know is whether or not, from their own mouths, it will be an option.