map-editor on consoles?

Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:44 am

The whole thing sums up to: it's too bloody complex to use with a controller. It's too complex to use with a controller and it takes up too many resources to run on 512 mb of RAM, with a 2006 processor and CPU.

And if you don't see any difference between seeing the whole level at once, and walking through it at ground level... well, I'm wasting my breath. Keys, whatever.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:51 am

2.PS3 (I cannot comment Xbox,because I haven't tried it) isn't that powerless to be not able to carry the sandbox.It has got enough memory also (you can even add 1TB HDD, so there's huge amount of memory for everything).I think that you should read something more about the how powerful it is.Ofc. that PC has got a lot of more power then it, but it doesn't mean that only it can carry the sandbox.

He means Ram and your precious ps3 got 256Mb of it.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:32 am

I think that a majority of the people asking for a sandbox editor are asking for a simpler, less intensive map editor, yet the only response that they are receiving is that their console couldn't handle all of the processes that the PC does for it's editor, but I don't think that's what we're (I included myself for this one) asking for. I'm aware that my Xbox nor my PS3 can handle all of the minute little extras that a PC editor would have, I simply want an intuitive, yet not to plaint editor...just something other's can create great maps for, not masterpieces.
Scale wise, a bit more malleable than the Reach map editor, but not so detailed as to make it impractical to put on a console.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:22 am

So basically you want Crytek to create an editor just for the consoles. You can't simply rip out functions from the Sandbox Editor and presto, end up with a new, simpler one. Coding doesn't work that way.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 3:34 am

I'm trying to go about this in a circumspect manner as not to say something ignorant here but, Crysis' first sandbox editor was included in (either a DLC or patch) after it's release, so I imagine admissible to say that they could make a simpler version and update it onto a console. (or DLC, whichever works) Correct me if I'm wrong.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:41 pm

2.PS3 (I cannot comment Xbox,because I haven't tried it) isn't that powerless to be not able to carry the sandbox.It has got enough memory also (you can even add 1TB HDD, so there's huge amount of memory for everything).I think that you should read something more about the how powerful it is.Ofc. that PC has got a lot of more power then it, but it doesn't mean that only it can carry the sandbox.

He means Ram and your precious ps3 got 256Mb of it.

OK,sorry, my bad.However, RAM isn't the only important thing.My PC has got 3.25GB of RAM, and what ? It isn't even able to run Crysis 1 on low, so how about Crysis 2, and the PS3 can run Crysis 2 (or it should, still no one has tested it on this platform).RAM isn't everything.I have no idea how, but even with this build PS3 can run games, even on pretty high quality.So no one can say me that is not able to run sandbox.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 5:39 pm

So you admit you know nothing of hardware, but you say that no one can tell you you're wrong. Nice. Well, here's a little lesson on RAM:

RAM allows you to store and quickly access data you're currently using (because any part of it can be accessed at any time) like, for example, I donno... LEVELS. In an editor you load the whole level AT ONCE. It isn't streamed, it isn't loaded partially, used and destroyed, it's completely loaded all the time.

Consoles get around this by loading a small part of the level, which doesn't take up a lot of RAM, then replacing it with another as you progress, freeing up the memory previously occupied by the first part. Editors don't do that. Editors need to load the whole thing at once.

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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:59 pm

Jackpumpkinhead why are you so against this, I'm getting this on PC but I want the consoles to have a good run too, if they want a map editor I don't see why they can't have one. No one has given a good reason for this. The 2 arguments are resources and interface, well if it's "slimmed down" it could be optimized to run on console, granted it would take a lot of recoding a tool. The interface is a BS excuse all I have to say to that is Little Big Planet 2, hell I've seen someone emulate windows from LBP2. Bottom line PC players benefit if console players get an editor it means more sales for Crytek which means more support and more games, instead of being an ass you could always try to fight with them to get an editor for console or even push for PC to console content sharing.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:57 am

2.PS3 (I cannot comment Xbox,because I haven't tried it) isn't that powerless to be not able to carry the sandbox.It has got enough memory also (you can even add 1TB HDD, so there's huge amount of memory for everything).I think that you should read something more about the how powerful it is.Ofc. that PC has got a lot of more power then it, but it doesn't mean that only it can carry the sandbox.

He means Ram and your precious ps3 got 256Mb of it.

OK,sorry, my bad.However, RAM isn't the only important thing.My PC has got 3.25GB of RAM, and what ? It isn't even able to run Crysis 1 on low, so how about Crysis 2, and the PS3 can run Crysis 2 (or it should, still no one has tested it on this platform).RAM isn't everything.I have no idea how, but even with this build PS3 can run games, even on pretty high quality.So no one can say me that is not able to run sandbox.

Ram is not your problem. Just because you have 3.25 gigs of ram doesn't mean it'll automatically run Crysis with ease. Crysis relies on the GPU do to the work.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:26 pm

A better question is why the hell I'm bothering to point out you're hoping for pink unicorns that fart rainbows, since Crytek's never going to bother creating a whole new, far less powerful editor for the consoles. And unlike a CAD-style interface, the Windows interface *can* be manipulated with just 7 keys. But again, why the hell am I even bothering?
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:59 pm

A better question is why the hell I'm bothering to point out you're hoping for pink unicorns that fart rainbows, since Crytek's never going to bother creating a whole new, far less powerful editor for the consoles. And unlike a CAD-style interface, the Windows interface *can* be manipulated with just 7 keys. But again, why the hell am I even bothering?

You missed my point, man unlike the guys arguing this with I understand hardware and Programming. To be honest there is no reason why this couldn't be done, if Crytek made the program very modular they could pull segments out easier to strip it down, the only new coding would be on interface which is basically reduced down to manipulating a 2D mesh and placing defined 3D objects. You get around the memory issue by putting a cap on the amount of resources you can use, just like FC2, Halo Reach, and Little Big Planet. You seem like a smart guy I figured you would see that, I'm more interested on how come you (and many other PC gamers) are so pissed at the very thought that console players could make they're own content and extend the lifespan of a game?
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:31 am

I couldn't care less if they get one or not, to be honest. Worst thing that could happen would be that the Editors for PC released from now on would be console-level, but that's not the point of this discussion. I simply doubt the Sandbox Editor is modular in the coding. As far as I know, the scripts are modular so that you don't have to write them completely each time you need a part of one, not the program itself. And in its current form, you have to admit that it can't be used on a console.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:54 am

I'd agree in it's current form (Sand Box 2) it would be unlikely it would run on console. But with the script being module it's easy enough to pull whole chunks of it out to strip it down. I would have to imagine that Crytek and Crytek UK (Free Radicals) want to put a console editor out there. No ones saying that you can dump it straight on console, they just want an answer of is a version of it being released on console. Basically they just need people to help fight with them so they get an editor and PC players keep their SDK. No need to act like a Fanboy PC or Console it doesn't help anyone.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:04 am

It would be possible to make a dumbed-down editor on a console, but it would take quite a bit of program testing and debugging before they could release something like that. It would be cool if they had a Farcry 2 - Style map editor, I agree, but there's some problems that they would have to face when simplifying the Sandbox 3 controls and interface:

There would have to be Pre-set Vegetation catagories for the vegetation system, each with a set density, material layer, ect.

The Texture-Material System that is in Sandbox 2 would have to be simplified down to just a small list of materials with pre-assigned textures.

They would have to scrap the AI system entirely (Probably not too hard)

They would have to re-tool the Flow Graph system to a simplified flow chart with probably only a "Spawn" option and a list of things you can equip to the players.

The "Time of Day" menu would have to be vastly streamlined and simplified. (WAY too many options there. =P)

They would have to somehow integrate switching between the "Select" "Move"and "Rotate" functions onto a controller pad. (LT and RT, possibly?)

There would have to be a limiter integrated into the Editor, so you can't fill up your console's RAM and crash (Happens all the time with Sandbox 2).

The Prefabs selection menu would have to be streamlined into easy to find categories and folders, and most of the object options would have to be Pre-Set and hidden. (Shame too, it was always fun making giant buildings into rigid bodies and having it rain cities. =P)

I'm just barely scratching the surface, but you get the idea. It's doable, but it would take a good bit of work and optimization to get it there.
I do believe, however, that it would be fairly easy to do something similar to Halo Reach's Forge. Spawning objects and editing their positions in a pre-made map wouldn't be too hard or resource consuming. It would still take a bit of work, but it's a more realistic bet.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:53 am

I think that a majority of the people asking for a sandbox editor are asking for a simpler, less intensive map editor, yet the only response that they are receiving is that their console couldn't handle all of the processes that the PC does for it's editor, but I don't think that's what we're (I included myself for this one) asking for. I'm aware that my Xbox nor my PS3 can handle all of the minute little extras that a PC editor would have, I simply want an intuitive, yet not to plaint editor...just something other's can create great maps for, not masterpieces.
Scale wise, a bit more malleable than the Reach map editor, but not so detailed as to make it impractical to put on a console.

Thank you. I don't understand why we're being told that consoles can't handle the editor a million times. We understand that. Which is why we're saying it can be done if a basic editor is coded from the current editor. It's not impossible, and it's not crazy to think they would take the time to do it for their console customers.

If someone is reading this that doesn't think a working editor can be used on console you obviously have not seen Forge in Halo Reach. Click to see Halo Reach Forge. It's very basic for an editor, but it has a coordinate system and rotation snap. That's all that's needed really. Console gamers aren't looking to create mods and all of that. If you want to see an example of a map that can be created using the Forge editor go to 7:30 in the video.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:16 pm

See editor for far cry 2 on console. Colaboy had a map that was downloaded almost 800.000. Looks like an succes. They are still playing and creating custom maps there. Let them make a map editor and sell it on Playstation store seprate from the game. They would make money with it. Maybe some extra's (New houses, furniture, trees etc) for sale on playstation store to put on the maps. They could distribute these extra's to the gamers with updates. Simple like hell. Console players happy, developer richer. I drive an Audi A5 Sportsback of 60.000 EURO. What kind of pc could I buy for that price if I decided not to buy the car. We love our consoles ;-)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:45 pm

It's funny how when I post something worth discussing no one replies. Including the naysayers. They won't admit when they're wrong or even go any further. Oh and what's with the post above me? I can't believe you're trying to show off your car on a game forum...
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:16 pm

You're all missing the point, and there's no point in telling you how ignorant you're all being.


THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time

You all don't seem to understand how long and hard it is to make a dumbed down version really is, and on top of that make it work on the console that will actually work with the amount of ram they have.

It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, and it's not going to happen.

Stop being naive and face it already, your consoles are nothing more than ancient technology, technology is growing everyday.

The only way I see this work is if they Crytek specifically have a server for PC to upload their work to their server, and have it across all platforms to download. Other than that, you're not getting the editor itself.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:41 am

You're all missing the point, and there's no point in telling you how ignorant you're all being.


THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time

You all don't seem to understand how long and hard it is to make a dumbed down version really is, and on top of that make it work on the console that will actually work with the amount of ram they have.

It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, and it's not going to happen.

Stop being naive and face it already, your consoles are nothing more than ancient technology, technology is growing everyday.

The only way I see this work is if they Crytek specifically have a server for PC to upload their work to their server, and have it across all platforms to download. Other than that, you're not getting the editor itself.

It amazes me how you think you know it all. You talk like you're on the inside working for Crytek. The fact of the matter is you don't even know if it has already been done. Nothing has been said on it. Most likely it won't happen, but I just want to clarify with every pessimist on this topic that it can be done. If Crytek wants to make a basic editor for consoles...they can. It would be a walk in the park after the work they put in to create Sandbox and CE3. That is all.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 11:55 pm

You're all missing the point, and there's no point in telling you how ignorant you're all being.


THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time

You all don't seem to understand how long and hard it is to make a dumbed down version really is, and on top of that make it work on the console that will actually work with the amount of ram they have.

It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, and it's not going to happen.

Stop being naive and face it already, your consoles are nothing more than ancient technology, technology is growing everyday.

The only way I see this work is if they Crytek specifically have a server for PC to upload their work to their server, and have it across all platforms to download. Other than that, you're not getting the editor itself.

It amazes me how you think you know it all. You talk like you're on the inside working for Crytek. The fact of the matter is you don't even know if it has already been done. Nothing has been said on it. Most likely it won't happen, but I just want to clarify with every pessimist on this topic that it can be done. If Crytek wants to make a basic editor for consoles...they can. It would be a walk in the park after the work they put in to create Sandbox and CE3. That is all.

I'm not going to start with you. You're being ignorant.

You just want to read what you want to hear, "yea they should do it, why not? Halo have it" and not hear anything from both sides.

Halo had a freaking high budget and was partnered with Microsoft, of course they can do it because they have the money to do it.


Did you even read my post?

THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time

I didn't state it's impossible, I'm stating it's a waste of time to them for giving console users an editor, while they can easily approach it in a different better way that won't give them much problems.


If you think it's easy for them to create sandbox & CE3, why did it take a couple of years to develop it?
Why don't you storm into Cretek's office and create it yourself? You're assuming everything is easy, go ahead and do it. Come on, give them a call and tell them "hey I got a great idea, why don't I come into your office next monday and make an easy editor for the consoles before crysis 2 launches, I'll even do it for free"

Next time you want to be a prick and act cocky as if you know how easy it is to make a basic editor for the consoles, think about it before posting.. because you sound like an arrogant console user who thinks coding it and making it is very easy

& Next time, read it carefully.

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 1:50 am

Well no but is their anyway you can upgrade your pc for a cheap price you can get your self a good graphics card for $60-80
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:02 am

You don't get an editor for a simple reason.They have to make dlc and earn money.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:03 pm

The problem that Crysis 2 faces is that it swims in a sea of shooters on the 360 and PS3 that are all of equal to arguably better quality, DLC sales only come if people hold onto the game and the average 360 shooter floods the used game bin within a month 2 at the most. This is bad for Crytek and for EA you have to believe that they want people to hold onto the copies after the purchase, a basic editor is the best way to do this. If you think about it the only real things that need to be done are group objects, design an interface with a controller, strip out single player creation assets, and put a distribution system in. Hell I want Crytek to make an editor and sell it for about $10-$15 on 360 and PS3.

If you think about it Crysis 2 has a huge budget is backed by EA and for them to make a profit they need to appease the console gamers as well. Bottom line is in the gaming industry you don't break even on a big project until you sell 1-2 million new copies of a game, BTW it took Crysis 1 something like 3 years to do that due to it being a high end PC game only.. So the bottom line is Crysis 2 needs console sales (360 in paticular) to satisfy Crytek's publisher EA, so with that being said most people on console are waiting to hear if it has an editor before they even decide if they want to buy this game, I mean it does compete with the big 3 console shooters: Halo, CoD, and Kill Zone (not to mention Duke Nukem looming on the horizion). The reason this should matter to PC gamers is today it doesn't pay to hold on to devolpers if they have a game that doesn't pull a profit, basiclly I'm saying if this games doesn't sell well on console 2-4 million in the first year Crysis goes away, and Crytek has to find a new publisher.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 9:47 pm

1 up baby ! A-MAZ-ING reply ;)
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:49 pm

Their last console game Far Cry 2 had it so why not?
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