map-editor on consoles?

Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:21 pm

Wow I never knew consoles had level editors. You need a keyboard and mouse though right?
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Chris BEvan
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 7:38 am

Oh my F*ing god, some of these posts in this thread are borderline retarded. Seriously the arrogance and ignorance makes me want to faceplant into a wall.

@Zyinxz, you're an idiot

It's funny how when I post something worth discussing no one replies. Including the naysayers. They won't admit when they're wrong or even go any further. Oh and what's with the post above me? I can't believe you're trying to show off your car on a game forum...

It's because you use common sense and logic. See American politics for referance, dumbest people are usually the loudest thus getting all the attention, all traces of logic and common sense get drowned out. Maybe this forum is filled with pc fanboy kids that think they know it all, certainly feels that way.

Everything you said it correct, some people are just seriously short sighted, Crytek would never make a direct port of their map editor to console. XD

Halo wasn't created in Forge it used a just as complicated and deep editor as seen at Crytek, Forge is a much more simplified tool set for the community.

If there is a map editor for Crysis 2 it would just contain a simplified tool set. Looking at FarCry 2, this could be something Crytek had in mind from the start of the game's development.

Use your brain people, use your brain! ?_?

Wow I never knew consoles had level editors. You need a keyboard and mouse though right?

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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:34 am

They're still not going to do it.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:01 am

Their last console game Far Cry 2 had it so why not?
LOL. I think this, and the live-create feature are why this stupid thread keeps showing up.

1. FAR CRY 2 was made by UBISOFT. They used the DUNIA engine. Crytek does not own the Far Cry IP anymore (they sold it to Ubi when they left to EA, iirc), and as such, they dont make the Far Cry games anymore. Vice-versa, Crytek kept (and rightfully so) the engine ownership, so that means Ubisoft CANNOT use the Cryengine for its games. They are two completely different games, on completely different engines by completely different companies. The only thing they share in common is around 1% of the code (i.e. if you open the FC2 editor it says 'inspired by sandbox' or something).

2. The live-create feature. This has been extremely poorly explained to those outside the dev community, as only dev teams who BUY the engine can use this feature. Basically what it does is auto-sync the level folders in real-time. Thats it. You make your level on the PC and it streams any and all changes in real-time to the console version. Basically it makes it so they dont need to go file->save->export to engine->star console->open level to find any bugs. They just have a PS3/360 sitting on their desk hooked up to live create and a TV and watch the changes made on the PC affect the console version in real time.

Note that to do this you need the DEV version of BOTH consoles, AND the dev version of the editor (im betting they wont release this feature). Since getting your hands on a dev console is basically like finding a unicorn, its not gonna happen.

As for the whole "Why dont they make a console editor anyway?" argument, all I have to say is this:
Have any of you EVER opened the Cryengine 2 editor? It eats ram for breakfast. If by some magical hax they got the entire console OS to use ZERO ram, just opening the editor - not even LOADING a level - would leave you with THREE MB of ram left on the PS3 and 250mb of ram left on the xbox. (yea, the xbox has 2x more ram than the PS3, but the PS3 doesnt share its ram with its GPU like the xbox).

Just opening a level would leave you at negative 100mb of ram left on the ps3 and about 150mb of ram on the 360. Note that this level would be BLANK and have nothing in it - not even terrain. As you add things the ram usage just goes up and up. The tiniest map in Cryengine 2 that i've made didnt even have terrain or water, used solids for everything used around 450mb of ram. Jumping into game (ctrl+g) bumps that up to around 490mb.

The consoles just CANT run the editor. Even if by some magic they got it running on consoles, the maps available to make would be so insanely simple (no ground, no water, just boxes) that no one would use it.

Then add in the insane CPU limitations, making a mini map (the manual recommends 8gb+ ram for high-rez minimaps...), exporting to game, etc. would make in unusable.

Also, not that if they were going to make a console editor, they probably would have said SOMETHING by now.
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Kelly Osbourne Kelly
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:34 pm

They're still not going to do it.

Probably not but doomlord52 was a far more insightful post, he is backing his argument on facts where as yours is based solely on personal opinion as fact.

I have to agree with doomloard52, they would have mentioned it.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:07 am

You're all missing the point, and there's no point in telling you how ignorant you're all being.


THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time

You all don't seem to understand how long and hard it is to make a dumbed down version really is, and on top of that make it work on the console that will actually work with the amount of ram they have.

It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, and it's not going to happen.

Stop being naive and face it already, your consoles are nothing more than ancient technology, technology is growing everyday.

The only way I see this work is if they Crytek specifically have a server for PC to upload their work to their server, and have it across all platforms to download. Other than that, you're not getting the editor itself.

It amazes me how you think you know it all. You talk like you're on the inside working for Crytek. The fact of the matter is you don't even know if it has already been done. Nothing has been said on it. Most likely it won't happen, but I just want to clarify with every pessimist on this topic that it can be done. If Crytek wants to make a basic editor for consoles...they can. It would be a walk in the park after the work they put in to create Sandbox and CE3. That is all.

I'm not going to start with you. You're being ignorant.

You just want to read what you want to hear, "yea they should do it, why not? Halo have it" and not hear anything from both sides.

Halo had a freaking high budget and was partnered with Microsoft, of course they can do it because they have the money to do it.


Did you even read my post?

THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time

I didn't state it's impossible, I'm stating it's a waste of time to them for giving console users an editor, while they can easily approach it in a different better way that won't give them much problems.


If you think it's easy for them to create sandbox & CE3, why did it take a couple of years to develop it?
Why don't you storm into Cretek's office and create it yourself? You're assuming everything is easy, go ahead and do it. Come on, give them a call and tell them "hey I got a great idea, why don't I come into your office next monday and make an easy editor for the consoles before crysis 2 launches, I'll even do it for free"

Next time you want to be a prick and act cocky as if you know how easy it is to make a basic editor for the consoles, think about it before posting.. because you sound like an arrogant console user who thinks coding it and making it is very easy

& Next time, read it carefully.

What I was implying is that the majority of you are going on with the same old answer and make it sound impossible. They don't have a budget for it? The game is being published by EA. Let's just say they didn't have the money for it. I'm sure EA could help in that department. Stop giving reasons that have no merit as to why it won't be done.

As for how long it would take to make it, how do you know it isn't already done? Hahaha it's funny because you're talking like if they wanted to do it, that the project would be started a month before release. My point with referencing CE3 and Sandbox is that if they can create a complex editor like Sandbox (no doubt it took time to do), they can create a simple editor in a fraction of the time, and with a lot less effort. So give me a would probably be easier to code than anything they've done before.

Your "storm into the Crytek office" idea is outlandish and worthless lol. These forums gauge the community's opinions and I'm sure they've seen topics like this one long before. Console gamers want an editor. Plain and simple. We're not demanding it. We just want to make maps for the community. Is that a problem for you?

Oh and I'm the "ignorant and arrogant" one yet I haven't said anything "cocky"(as you said) or offensive(as you have). Everything you've said is based on opinion.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:34 am

ITT: people incapable of comprehending that an editor for Crysis levels, no matter how simple, cannot run on the consoles because they can't tell the bloody difference between the game and EDITING the game.

The whole argument can be summed up to: "BUT I WANT AN EDITOR, WAHWAH!"
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Eric Hayes
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 8:07 pm

Oh my F*ing god, some of these posts in this thread are borderline retarded. Seriously the arrogance and ignorance makes me want to faceplant into a wall.

@Zyinxz, you're an idiot

It's funny how when I post something worth discussing no one replies. Including the naysayers. They won't admit when they're wrong or even go any further. Oh and what's with the post above me? I can't believe you're trying to show off your car on a game forum...

It's because you use common sense and logic. See American politics for referance, dumbest people are usually the loudest thus getting all the attention, all traces of logic and common sense get drowned out. Maybe this forum is filled with pc fanboy kids that think they know it all, certainly feels that way.

Everything you said it correct, some people are just seriously short sighted, Crytek would never make a direct port of their map editor to console. XD

Halo wasn't created in Forge it used a just as complicated and deep editor as seen at Crytek, Forge is a much more simplified tool set for the community.

If there is a map editor for Crysis 2 it would just contain a simplified tool set. Looking at FarCry 2, this could be something Crytek had in mind from the start of the game's development.

Use your brain people, use your brain! ?_?

Wow I never knew consoles had level editors. You need a keyboard and mouse though right?


Well, thank you. I was starting to think common sense was thrown out the window on these forums. I've seen a few reasonable posts, but most people on here don't know what they're talking about and think their opinion holds weight.

Sure, it's a challenge to do, but it can be done with object limits, a set budget on how much you can "spend" in the editor, and preexisting terrain. Tweak the editor to the console's capability and you have a winner. A pretty damn awesome editor too. Again, if there is anyone that doesn't believe it can be done, go to page 4 of this topic and look at the video I posted. Halo Reach's forge (although it could be improved) is "the little engine that could" in terms of a console editor. I've seen maps that I couldn't believe were made on a console. I wouldn't doubt the ability of console editors to create some amazing content. If you want I can post some links to some incredible Halo Reach community maps here.

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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:41 am

You're comparing an editor that only allows you to place objects (and not even all of them), with the editor that created the goddamn Ling Shan islands.
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Eilidh Brian
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:10 am

You're comparing an editor that only allows you to place objects (and not even all of them), with the editor that created the goddamn Ling Shan islands.

Are you incompetent? Lol this is getting funny. Obviously an editor on consoles won't be anywhere near the capability of what Sandbox can do. I thought that was obvious. I don't know how many times I have to repeat this, but console gamers aren't expecting to create mods or entire new worlds. They want to make maps for the community. Again, I hate to keep bringing up Forge from Halo Reach, but it's the best example of what can be done with a simple editor. Save your time and my time and actually check it out before I have to repeat this again.
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Jack Walker
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 12:47 am

You called it "the little engine that could" like it's proof that full editors can work on consoles.
And again I find myself wondering why I even bother, Crytek's never going to bother creating a whole new editor just for the consoles.
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Guy Pearce
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:27 am

You called it "the little engine that could" like it's proof that full editors can work on consoles.
And again I find myself wondering why I even bother, Crytek's never going to bother creating a whole new editor just for the consoles.

Ha why because you believe they won't? I called it "the little engine that could" because in light of how it's being said it can't be done, it has already been done. The Forge editor is actually pretty powerful for a console editor.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 7:22 pm

You have to distinguish an sdk from a map editor.Tony hawk skateboarding had a map editor in ps1.Placing objects and stuff is easy but u must also understand that next gen games come with so complex heavy tools that its too resourcefull and takes so much time for a developer to create an editor only for consoles.I admire u guys that you do ask for a console map editor cause i see that some ppl havent fell for the dlc map package (more $).The thing is can crytek make a console editor?The answer is yes BUT it costs time,money and the implementation is way too hard.Keep in mind that when u remove things from an sdk to make a map editor then many things dont work like its supposed too and then there is the real problem:>
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:47 am

You have to distinguish an sdk from a map editor.Tony hawk skateboarding had a map editor in ps1.Placing objects and stuff is easy but u must also understand that next gen games come with so complex heavy tools that its too resourcefull and takes so much time for a developer to create an editor only for consoles.I admire u guys that you do ask for a console map editor cause i see that some ppl havent fell for the dlc map package (more $).The thing is can crytek make a console editor?The answer is yes BUT it costs time,money and the implementation is way too hard.Keep in mind that when u remove things from an sdk to make a map editor then many things dont work like its supposed too and then there is the real problem:>

Thank you for a reasonable post. At least you understand that it can be done. As for errors coming up that's common when programming anything no matter what it is. It may be a challenge for them to do, but it would be widely appreciated and would grow a good community on C2.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:55 am

hi i think C2 will be very good. so good it will be cool without map editor.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:40 am

You have to distinguish an sdk from a map editor.Tony hawk skateboarding had a map editor in ps1.Placing objects and stuff is easy but u must also understand that next gen games come with so complex heavy tools that its too resourcefull and takes so much time for a developer to create an editor only for consoles.I admire u guys that you do ask for a console map editor cause i see that some ppl havent fell for the dlc map package (more $).The thing is can crytek make a console editor?The answer is yes BUT it costs time,money and the implementation is way too hard.Keep in mind that when u remove things from an sdk to make a map editor then many things dont work like its supposed too and then there is the real problem:>

Thank you for a reasonable post. At least you understand that it can be done. As for errors coming up that's common when programming anything no matter what it is. It may be a challenge for them to do, but it would be widely appreciated and would grow a good community on C2.

To give u an example how an sdk works and not get into more complex tools check this video : it after 2.17.All the creation is happening in real time.All the shadows in an object go on real time.Cryengine differs from other engines cause it creates things in real time.This fuction is computer heavy as hell.So an sdk cant be done on consoles .Map editor means u have to simplify the terrain and use about 10-15 samples,use static lights ,use objects with static shadows.Most engines out there work differently that is why they can put map editors on them.So the best way to go is an import tool for consoles.A tool that could let you transfer maps from pc to consoles.I think that is the most reasonable solution.
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Courtney Foren
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 8:36 am

Seems to me that a lot of people's anti-console editor argument is: "It takes to much time and money, so it won't be done."
I'm willing to bet that the Sandbox 3 editor that will undoubtedly be on PC would've taken quite a lot of time...and money.
I get that the PC community is the main fanbase for the Crysis series and you feel that it's a waste of time for them to put so much effort into making an editor for a fanbase that really doesn't even know them, but Crytek is making this a multiplatform game to expand their current consumer fanbase and they're going to be relying heavily on console sales to keep this series going.
So I don't think it's so far fetched that they would want to invest some extra time and effort into making Crysis 2 for consoles a richer experience by adding a console editor, even a simpler one.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 6:57 am

You are also confused .Sdk is the base where the whole crysis 2 was built.They did it to sell their engine and sdk to other developers.I can write for hours but the fact is that cryengine works differently from other engines .Implementing a map editor would mean that you have to pay for it.If u are willing to then they should make one .It would be more wise to make an import tool and get better quality maps from an sdk modder than a map editor.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 2:16 am

I'm willing to bet that the Sandbox 3 editor that will undoubtedly be on PC would've taken quite a lot of time...and money.
The problem with your theory, chief, is that the Sandbox 3 editor already exists, because the game is being made in it. They literally couldn't have made Crysis 2 without it. There weren't any extra resources devoted to its development.
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:28 am

I'm willing to bet that the Sandbox 3 editor that will undoubtedly be on PC would've taken quite a lot of time...and money.
The problem with your theory, chief, is that the Sandbox 3 editor already exists, because the game is being made in it. They literally couldn't have made Crysis 2 without it. There weren't any extra resources devoted to its development.

Problem with that is that they do have to change the dev version before they give it to us. There is too much money to be made by adding a console editor charge $10-$15, if the game sells 3-4 million console (which is likely), get a 30% attach rate (also likely with an editor)= $9-$18 million profit. And that isn't including later object pacts included with map packs, or a subscription fee to store additional maps like how Bungie handles it for Reach. It easily can cover it's own resources, and by comparison to designing the original would not be that difficult or time consuming. But most console guys just want to know from Crytek will it have one yes or no, not conjecture from PC players that are afraid of the consoles encroaching farther into their territory about how it can't be done.
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Harry-James Payne
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:25 pm

As i said it can be done:>
It would be good for the console players and the whole console community.For a better faster solution an import map tool is easier.
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 6:01 pm

I'm not saying ditch the Sandbox for PC just give the console players an editor, reality is it's less likely that MS or Sony will allow PC content to pour onto their networks. Believe it or not it would be easier to program a whole new game than deal with those legal departments. And than your saying that if you play on console you have to buy the game twice to make content? Consumers would never go along with that, I mean what if I said the PC editor is now $60 on top of the game, do you think that would go over well. Realistically there will close to 4 million console players and probably 500,000 PC players, if I were Crytek I would be paying a little more attention to console guys and less to us PC guys (yeah I plan on playing this on PC).

Also it's the act of creating levels they want, PC players don't understand what console players want and console players don't understand what PC players want. To be frank about I played FC2 on PC and 360 and the care and attention to detail was on the 360, in fact I would dare some of the 360 maps from FC2 could be held up as some of the most creative and well thought out FPS maps ever, armature or professional. Most of these guys are artist not programmers, they don't want a complicated SDK they just want to be able to manipulate terrain and place objects, it's more so the processes than the outcome for them.
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claire ley
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:51 pm

I'm not saying ditch the Sandbox for PC just give the console players an editor, reality is it's less likely that MS or Sony will allow PC content to pour onto their networks. Believe it or not it would be easier to program a whole new game than deal with those legal departments. And than your saying that if you play on console you have to buy the game twice to make content? Consumers would never go along with that, I mean what if I said the PC editor is now $60 on top of the game, do you think that would go over well. Realistically there will close to 4 million console players and probably 500,000 PC players, if I were Crytek I would be paying a little more attention to console guys and less to us PC guys (yeah I plan on playing this on PC).

Also it's the act of creating levels they want, PC players don't understand what console players want and console players don't understand what PC players want. To be frank about I played FC2 on PC and 360 and the care and attention to detail was on the 360, in fact I would dare some of the 360 maps from FC2 could be held up as some of the most creative and well thought out FPS maps ever, armature or professional. Most of these guys are artist not programmers, they don't want a complicated SDK they just want to be able to manipulate terrain and place objects, it's more so the processes than the outcome for them.

^I agree 100 percent.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Fri Jun 03, 2011 4:49 am

I'm not saying ditch the Sandbox for PC just give the console players an editor, reality is it's less likely that MS or Sony will allow PC content to pour onto their networks. Believe it or not it would be easier to program a whole new game than deal with those legal departments. And than your saying that if you play on console you have to buy the game twice to make content? Consumers would never go along with that, I mean what if I said the PC editor is now $60 on top of the game, do you think that would go over well. Realistically there will close to 4 million console players and probably 500,000 PC players, if I were Crytek I would be paying a little more attention to console guys and less to us PC guys (yeah I plan on playing this on PC).

Also it's the act of creating levels they want, PC players don't understand what console players want and console players don't understand what PC players want. To be frank about I played FC2 on PC and 360 and the care and attention to detail was on the 360, in fact I would dare some of the 360 maps from FC2 could be held up as some of the most creative and well thought out FPS maps ever, armature or professional. Most of these guys are artist not programmers, they don't want a complicated SDK they just want to be able to manipulate terrain and place objects, it's more so the processes than the outcome for them.

Most consumers in consoles buy stupid dlc and map pack just like that.Giving them an editor for the price of 20$ is very good imo.
Also the sandbox is given to pc players cause they can run it ,,,consoles cannot .Also the pc modding community of crysis was by far one of the best .They made crysis 1 even better.Crytek didnt support crysis multi not as much as u think ,modders did.
They are not giving consoles all the care?
You are kidding right?
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Jessie Butterfield
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Post » Thu Jun 02, 2011 10:07 pm

Really MrX, for the most part this entire month has been announcements surrounding the PC side of things, I mean they are in the last month and the sites that console players frequent are silent about this game. Crytek sits in a very hard spot the PC audience is basically leery because it's multiplatform it get's angry every time they talk about the consoles and the console players are basically unaware that this game. We are a month out and we still don't know for for sure if there is an editor for console or not or if there is even a plan of bring via DLC to it latter, if you want to get down to it there is 1 question most console players that are aware of this game want to know, "does Crysis 2 have a map editor?" So yeah they really are heavily leaning on their PC base for this game and my bet is it's going to bite them in the ass.
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