» Fri Jun 03, 2011 5:07 am
You're all missing the point, and there's no point in telling you how ignorant you're all being.
THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time
You all don't seem to understand how long and hard it is to make a dumbed down version really is, and on top of that make it work on the console that will actually work with the amount of ram they have.
It's not going to happen. It's not going to happen, and it's not going to happen.
Stop being naive and face it already, your consoles are nothing more than ancient technology, technology is growing everyday.
The only way I see this work is if they Crytek specifically have a server for PC to upload their work to their server, and have it across all platforms to download. Other than that, you're not getting the editor itself.
It amazes me how you think you know it all. You talk like you're on the inside working for Crytek. The fact of the matter is you don't even know if it has already been done. Nothing has been said on it. Most likely it won't happen, but I just want to clarify with every pessimist on this topic that it can be done. If Crytek wants to make a basic editor for consoles...they can. It would be a walk in the park after the work they put in to create Sandbox and CE3. That is all.
I'm not going to start with you. You're being ignorant.
You just want to read what you want to hear, "yea they should do it, why not? Halo have it" and not hear anything from both sides.
Halo had a freaking high budget and was partnered with Microsoft, of course they can do it because they have the money to do it.
Did you even read my post?
THEY CAN, but they're not going to. The amount of time the coders will have to go through to code a basic POS editor is a waste of time. Waste of time
I didn't state it's impossible, I'm stating it's a waste of time to them for giving console users an editor, while they can easily approach it in a different better way that won't give them much problems.
If you think it's easy for them to create sandbox & CE3, why did it take a couple of years to develop it?
Why don't you storm into Cretek's office and create it yourself? You're assuming everything is easy, go ahead and do it. Come on, give them a call and tell them "hey I got a great idea, why don't I come into your office next monday and make an easy editor for the consoles before crysis 2 launches, I'll even do it for free"
Next time you want to be a prick and act cocky as if you know how easy it is to make a basic editor for the consoles, think about it before posting.. because you sound like an arrogant console user who thinks coding it and making it is very easy
& Next time, read it carefully.
What I was implying is that the majority of you are going on with the same old answer and make it sound impossible. They don't have a budget for it? The game is being published by EA. Let's just say they didn't have the money for it. I'm sure EA could help in that department. Stop giving reasons that have no merit as to why it won't be done.
As for how long it would take to make it, how do you know it isn't already done? Hahaha it's funny because you're talking like if they wanted to do it, that the project would be started a month before release. My point with referencing CE3 and Sandbox is that if they can create a complex editor like Sandbox (no doubt it took time to do), they can create a simple editor in a fraction of the time, and with a lot less effort. So give me a break...it would probably be easier to code than anything they've done before.
Your "storm into the Crytek office" idea is outlandish and worthless lol. These forums gauge the community's opinions and I'm sure they've seen topics like this one long before. Console gamers want an editor. Plain and simple. We're not demanding it. We just want to make maps for the community. Is that a problem for you?
Oh and I'm the "ignorant and arrogant" one yet I haven't said anything "cocky"(as you said) or offensive(as you have). Everything you've said is based on opinion.