» Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:18 pm
They should add some editor on consoles too.My PC couldn't carry the sandbox 2, and will never be able to, but I'm sure that PS3 can handle it.Consoles can be plugged into PC, so I can't see any problem.You will edit maps on PC,using the power of the console.Or,when PS3 has got Internet, which is totally the same as it is on PC (with mouse and keyboard, controlled from the joystick) than what's the problem to add an editor ? It will be working as on PC, but the mouse will be controlled from the joystick.Else it won't be that fair 1 platform to have editor and other not and to cost the same price.The power of Crysis 1 was in editor, everyone was using it after game's end.Without it mostly of people will get bored to play same maps,same style of gameplay and everything same 3 long years, till the second part comes out.
Sanbox 3 is a CAD-esque tool, CAD tools need lots of memory (<2GB minimum for anything big) and processing power along the lines of x86 based cpu's, the ps3 has none of that. The xbox has slightly more useful performance in that regard, but it still miles behind.
Long story short: if you're interested in modding and you've got a console, you bought the wrong platform. It's like buying a wii for hardcoe shooters, it was your own fault for not researching. No point biching about it saying 'zomg not fair', it was your mistake.
P.S. if you say 'but it was too expensive' and you own a ps3 or xbox, what are you typing your response from (you may be doing it on a ps3, but that's unlikely)? because i guarantee that PC cost not much less than mine that'll max crysis 2, and my PC definitely cost less than that and the ps3 combined.
1.I've didn't say anything about too expensive or whatever like this,because I know that both platforms are almost same prices, so don't comment it.
2.PS3 (I cannot comment Xbox,because I haven't tried it) isn't that powerless to be not able to carry the sandbox.It has got enough memory also (you can even add 1TB HDD, so there's huge amount of memory for everything).I think that you should read something more about the how powerful it is.Ofc. that PC has got a lot of more power then it, but it doesn't mean that only it can carry the sandbox.
3.I cannot actually see any difference between the game and the sandbox.With sandbox you are creating the game.If the console can carry the game, than it should be able to carry the sandbox (ofc there will be nothing like setting quality, or anything like that, like on PC, just a normal map creating/editing).
4.Maybe you will say that I'm a "fanboy", but 2 weeks ago I was still playing on PC.I've just saw, that if my PC is able to make a little edit on map (but couldn't create my own one, don't know if it is bug, or my PC is sh*t) in sandbox 2, then PS3 will have no problem with it.Yes,maybe consoles aren't created for map editor, but why to take it away, when they can carry it with no problem ?