map pack problems still....

Post » Wed Dec 07, 2011 12:01 am

The whole reason I signed up for this is because of my problem.

I bought the map pack(for my PS3) a week ago and then found out that there was some sort on connection problem. I tried to browse the net for answers and most forums were talking about problems in Europe but nothing about Canada. I then called EA support and they gave me the run around and pretty much told me I bought a defective file and I'm to download the new file thats been put in the PSN Store. I erased the online files(it still shows up in the multiplayer even after I delete it from the online saved data) and redownloaded the file and tried it again.
I got the connection to go through from some retaliation team play but nothing else worked. I tried disconnecting/reconnecting internet connections and it nothing. I went back in a few times to try the new pack, the onslaught and free for all has NEVER loaded anyone into the room... and the team is hit or miss.
Last night I tried the normal multiplayer(original maps) and now it doesn't work...

I was told by EA that I have to phone my internet provider and talk to them about disengaging the firewall and all sorts of crap and to be honest I dont want to go through this hassle. I loved this game since it came out, defended the critic's, waited for the map pack in hope id be able to play one of my favrite multiplayer games even more and NOW I HAVE NOTHING... I have nothing left to my single player stats( I deleted it to see if it would help) and pissed off to the point were I've boycotted playing this game until I get my map packs... I paid and I deserve somethign or some sort on answer.

I'm really dissappointed... if I didn't get the new map pack Id still be able to play but now I'm left with nothing!
I hope someone can help me.

Im sending this to PSN too.

I live in canada, my name is The_Real_CS and I'm level 36
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Post » Tue Dec 06, 2011 10:43 pm

You might have better luck sharing your thoughts here. (If you haven't already)
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