Map of plants?

Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:36 am

I am going to start a new game and want to do something different. I decided to be a cook/fix-it character. I am not going to focus on the quests or any set direction to travel. Just kind of wonder around and explore - looking for plants and parts etc.

Does anyone know of a map that shows where different plants, workbenches, items and cookfires are located?

Thanks so much!
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jennie xhx
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 9:37 pm

plants and such: goodspring, area near primm and new vegas area

workbenches: goodspring, horowitz farmstead, some random shacks

campfire: as long as you saw encampment, or some people gathered in a abandoned farm, or there's a bedroll or makeshift bed, good chance there's campfire nearby
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Gemma Archer
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Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 1:27 am

-double post-

internet go sh!t
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Craig Martin
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Post » Thu Jul 28, 2011 11:07 pm

Thanks Dataman - but you don't know of a map that someone may have made that shows locations?
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Marine x
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Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:17 am

I am going to start a new game and want to do something different. I decided to be a cook/fix-it character. I am not going to focus on the quests or any set direction to travel. Just kind of wonder around and explore - looking for plants and parts etc.

Does anyone know of a map that shows where different plants, workbenches, items and cookfires are located?

Thanks so much!

I haven't seen any but... Since you're starting anew, wouldn't it be a great opportunity
for drawing your own map?
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kyle pinchen
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Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 8:00 am

LOL Omero - I am having a problem just finding them! Plants seem so "hidden" in the landscape that I have only found about 6-7 so far. For some reason - something different I think - I want to learn to cook and make meds etc. The plant life is really really hard for me to find!

Thanks for the suggestion - but it isn't gonna happen - I had my fingers crossed that someone else had taken on this task.

Thanks again for the reply.
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Post » Fri Jul 29, 2011 7:01 am

LOL Omero - I am having a problem just finding them! Plants seem so "hidden" in the landscape that I have only found about 6-7 so far. For some reason - something different I think - I want to learn to cook and make meds etc. The plant life is really really hard for me to find!

Thanks for the suggestion - but it isn't gonna happen - I had my fingers crossed that someone else had taken on this task.

Thanks again for the reply.

Ok, then. I can suggest a few specific location where to look for ingredients:

* Broc Flowers: heading from Goodsprings to Primm, keep on the right and follow the mountain slopes,
you'll find several plants of that, plus a couple of xander root. Another location where these plants are aboundant
is of course Broc Flower Cavern.

* Xander Root: There's always one in Goodsprings School backyard and you can find 2-3 roots
by keeping up the mountain slopes and right when traveling from Goodsprings sources to Primm.
There are a few also along the road that leads to Jacobstown, and a few can be found going
from Raul's shack to the Brotherhood of Steel's safe-house. Beware of Deathclaws there.

* Banana Yucca: there are several plants to find following the road that takes you to Jacobstown
and several more plants in the vicinity of Raul's shack.

* Mojave's Agave: by walking from Durable Dunn's sacked caravan location toward Field's shack
you'll find several of those, along with some Pricky Pear Cacti.

* Pricky pears: the area between Ranger Station Charlie and the Legion Raid Camp has plenty
of those, but you can also find several around Novac.

* Pinto beans: the easiest place to find a large quantity of them is inside the NCR Sharecroppers greenhouses.

* Honey mesquite pod: again, check inside the NCR Sharecroppers greenhouses

* Maize: same as for Pinto beans and Honey mesquite pods. Check the NCR Sharecroppers greenhouses.

* Jalape?o pepper: my favorite place to gather several at once of these is El Dorado Dry Lake.

* Barrel cactus: these are so common that there's no need to mention any special place.

Those are the locations I visit more often but indeed the Mojave
can be quite generous and has much to offer in almost every corner you end up exploring.
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