Well im playing in hardcoe mode... (Yes that is when guide is MOST helpful) ...But im not geting the guide for a few reasons. One i am hardcoe as all get out, meaning i don't want a guide at all even sitting there tempting me. I want to learn as my character learns. That will make it seem more immersive. This will also give more time to playing the game if i have to search around for somthing.
Map size was said to be just as big as Fallout 3 (Cooler tho cause there is moutains!)
Yeah, it's great to find something by your own as it gives you the feeling of success. Also it's nice to find different ways to solve quests with different kind of character builds, instead of just checking it out and then making the same kinda build as described to see the outcome. Also playing without guide really increases the replayability value of the game.
For example it took me 5 years of playing Fallout 2 to find Anna's ghost in Den and I was amazed that after several run-throughs of the game, it still throwed something new to my face, which had been right under my nose for the whole time. It's too bad that some people want everything given to them right away, instead of spending their time looking into it. To me it's a waste of money in 2 ways, by spending your money on the guide and by making the gameplay experience duller.