I was wondering if the game will have default weapons laying around the map or did Splash Damage get rid of that? I haven't seen it anywhere else yet so just asking.
sorry, felt like it, anywho... pretty much what Dark Prophit said, MG nests, and command posts, well... and the occasional weapon from the guy you just killed. But, I'd rather have a soldier give me ammo.
The playerbase is still alive and well across all 3 platforms that it's on. You should pick up the orange box if you can.
I've considered it, I've also actually never played a Half-Life game. Watched, but not played. :sweat: Got Portal when it was free on Steam though... in fact, it was the reason I signed up for Steam.
Tbh my next wad of cash is probably getting forked out for Homefront, I've gotten myself pretty stoked for it.