I put her in Synth armor. Her lack of personality gives her Synth origins away!
I tried this in one playthrough and it didn't really work.
I put her on the guard post in front of the bridge but unlike a normal settler she would not stay there.
Assigned ok....first time I come back no one is on the guard post...still shows assigned.
I find her patrolling....near the workshop. I click on her again and go back and click the guard post.
I go away and when I come back she is not guarding or patrolling but is in back of the house with the farmers
which is where I normally assigned her in other games...she does stay farming at least.
So I don't know your experience , but to me she totally failed as a guard...sent her back to plants.
Oh well...at least you aren't married to her...
My worst problem with Marcy is I saved the back bedroom in the yellow base house for just myself, and who do you think always wants to sleep there, yep, Marcy.
She'll wake up and harvest a bit if I assign her to the crops in the back yard, but then she'll start doing her hammering on the walls of the porch thing.
Craziest chick in the game, easily.
I gave her a nice dress and her attitude actually improved from "downright rude" to just "standoffish".
Assign her to an artillery piece. She'll stay put, unlike the guards that tend to patrol.
I don't trust her on artillery she might purposely try and aim for me.
She goes from meh mode to " ILL KILL YOU IF YOU LOOK AT ME" mode quite often.
Im literally trying to stay like 3-4 meters away from her at all times lol. She's in a hazmat suit in the off chance her negativity is some radiation induced death syndrome or mutation....or I just hate looking at her....
But she'd get everything! And you think he's depressed and mopey now!
DLC where she becomes the Raider Overlord of Death and you need to kill her? Im in
DLC that reintroduces Slavers, the Mesmetron, and Slave Collars? I'm in!
Nope. Hated that. I played a bad boy, but not THAT bad.
You seem to think she takes slaves/prisoners.
Marcy The Slaughterer* I should call her.
I'm 50 and even I don't believe all that. Most of it, but not all of it... Oh, okay... almost all of it.
Besides - we liked to complain all the time and feel entitled when we were young too.
Anybody remember hippies? Yuppies? People who listened to Disco? (shudder)
Everyone over complains, like hes doing now by complaining about something that was irrelevant to the post of laughing at Marcy's insane anger issues. Its like chill out and have a laugh
Alice, my current character isn't a push over like Catherine (my last one). The first time Marcy opened up her mouth, after they arrived in Sanctuary, to spew her bitter crap, Alice punched her in the face! Nobody protested and Marcy just stared at her and then walked away. LOL
Marcy has issues...so would anyone stuck living with her husband, though.
It's a shame she's not a hoarder too...