I always use it. This combined with the Pen Oc boots and helmet really gives you a guerilla warfare look. Only problem is is having to kill a guard any time I want it.
I always use it. This combined with the Pen Oc boots and helmet really gives you a guerilla warfare look. Only problem is is having to kill a guard any time I want it.
They're all corrupted. Feel free to kill as much of them as you desire.
I like a lot of the hold shields, I'm not too fond of the helmets though and never really considered wearing the armour.
Maybe I'll try it sometime.
You can find dead Markarth guards to pilfer the armor from if you don't want to kill one yourself.
You could always wait for a Dragon or Vampire attack on Markarth.
Its the stint in prison thats the issue, not the ethics.
My Bosmer wears Markarth guard armour, it looks like it would suit a ranger
Stahlrim is my absolute favorite, light to be specific, but I do love the guard armors. I especially like the look Winterhold's crisp white armor.
I can never work up the resolve to wear guard armors, disappointingly, as I just feel to guilty wearing them, as though I haven't earned them. It'd be nice if one could become an honorary, or actual, guard of a hold.
Fact: Winterhold Guard Armor is better than you, Markarth Guard Armor, and the Alchemist's Shack.
I don't know why, but I've always liked the look of low-level light armor like hide,leather,studded etc. Nightingale, penticaus oculatus and Daedric are probably my favorites. I hate stalhrim.
Do 'The Forsworn Conspiracy' quest and then onto the 'No One Escapes Chidna(spelling?) Mine' quest, side with the Forsworn. Dead Markath guards everywhere after the break out, just run out of the city after the break out, when the fighting starts between The Forsworn and Markath Guards, and then turn around and come back in. You will be tripping over the bodies of Markath Guards in the area around where the blacksmith is... (not really but there really are around 4 or 5 or 6 bodies that can be looted).
Might be some dead guards if you side with the Nords as well, not sure, never sided with the Nords on that quest. I'd imagine it would be a lot of dead Forsworn and just 1 or 2 dead guards instead of the other way around.
Oh yeah, Bonemold is very nice looking, and it reminds me of Morrowind. Too bad for the low stats though
I like the grey Pale guard armor without the helm and fur gloves that they wear and I like the Viking-esque look of the holds guard shields, the Solitude wolf one being my favorite.