Actually the Rourken clan left Morrowind in 1? 416. The Dwemer disappeared in 1? 668. That are only 252 years, not thousands of years nor EONS.
@Colonel Tannanbaum: You know the Orrery DLC for Oblivion? This had the typical Dwemer look in better graphical quality. So the Dwemer design of Morrowind is not incompatible with good graphics.
First off, kudos to you for having access to a timeline.
I couldn't remember off the top of my head (at 6:45 in the morning without any sleep for 36 hours, anyways) any sorts of precise dates... but I was fairly certain that there was a fair deal of time between those two points in time. And still, despite the fact, are we entirely certain that none of the ruins outside of Morrowind pre-date that date. Because if even one of them does, then it would justify Bethesda to make any claim they pleased about the timeline involved in the construction of the place.
Then again, perhaps this is another instance of something like the dwemer ruin beneath Mournhold.
Perhaps the whole thing is a misdirect, and in fact the ruins we are arguing over are human in origin!
It's impossible to say with the information given.
Secondly: The Orrery?
You mean that one, big, only-impressive-the-first-time-you-see-it model of the 'solar system'?
If that was the best they could do for Skyrim... I would take it... but I would most certainly be a bit disappointed. When you compare -that-... to the likes of the screenshot that has everyone here so worked up... it's the difference between night and day. The Orrery had nothing what I would consider -awe inspiring- about it... save for the fact that it was entirely unique to the rest of Oblivion.
If they -do- stick to that typical dwemer look, and everyone here is worried about nothing, then I sure as hell hope that it at -least- has the same awe-inspiring qualities which make me love everything I have seen so far.
That's really the best I can hope for.