Adds a Quest that randomly adds spawns to the wasteland as you are travelling through the Wasteland worldspace...
Can produce one of the following every (GLOBAL VALUE: mbQuestSpawnInterval, default=200) seconds
1. Vertibird Patrol - creates a vertibird that lands, drops off two Enclave Troops, and supports them with bombing runs and reinforcements.
2. NPC vs NPC battle - creates 1+ groups of NPCs
3. NPC vs Creature battle - creates 1+ groups of NPCs and Creatures
4. Creature vs Creature battle - creates 1+ groups of Creatures
Possible NPC types (all of these groups will have a random patrol target, meaning they will travel to one of the Map Markers in the game):
Chinese Remnant
Super Mutant
Bandit (Point Lookout Smuggler)
Wastelander Ghoul
Creature types (will just wander around their area, no patrol package)
All wasteland creatures
Super Mutants
Robots (Army, Talon, BoS, Outcast, Enclave)
MOD does not change any levelled lists so you will keep your vanilla difficulty (except the fact that you may get Enclave patrols early)
Enclave Vertibirds will only show up after Waters of Life quest
mbQuestSpawnInterval - default 200 - Conflict Quest rechecks spawning every THIS seconds..
mbSpawnConflictChance - default 2 - When the Quest DOES check, it checks a random number against this global value to see if it spawns one of the 4 groups.
mbSpawnGroupChance - default 50 - once option 2-4 are chosen, this Global determines how many groups. Lower it to make less groups, raise to make more
mbSpawnChance - default 50 - once a group is created, this Global controls how many are in the group. Again, lower it to make less...
mbSpawnEnclaveVertibirdChance - default 25 - THIS IS JUST FOR THE EYEBOT SCRIPT. Certain Eyebots can spawn a vertibird when attacked, this is the chance of that.
- Again, No other changes from my balance mod are included in this
This is MarkB50K, a long time Oblivion modder, with my first foray into Fallout modding.
First a little background...
I had alot of fun with Oblivion and produced the Enhanced Daedric Invasion Mod (EDI) where I wanted to create a little more strategic grand scale to the Daedric invasion of Tamriel. I had new spawns of Demons and new spawns of good guys who would travel cross country to attack the bad guys, basically creating a little more urgency and scale to the game. Some liked it, some didnt.
Well, this mod, among a ton of other things, is the Fallout flavor of EDI, joy.
Now, I want to state CLEARLY upfront, that this mod is pretty much a personal play mod. I built it specifically for me, just for my tastes. I scoured the forums and the Nexus for neat mod ideas and then incorporated them into mine. I play with a very small mod list, pretty much the Unofficial Fix patches, all the DLC (except Zeta, havent gotten it yet) and my mod.
I also want to THANK all the wonderful modders and mods that I use content from. I will list all i can remember here in the features.
Anyway, not really sure how many people would even want to try this mod, but I put so many neat features into it, I figured SOMEONE might actually want to use it. Its built from hours and hours in FO3Edit and I have ALMOST posted it up several times in the months I have been using and tweaking it, but finally decided to do it. And if you like stuff in it, but dont want all of it, just go into FO3Edit and copy out the pieces you want and get rid of the rest.
WARNING: THIS MOD CHANGES PRETTY MUCH EVERYTHING IN THE GAME, DEFINITELY RECOMMEND FOR A NEW GAME, AND DEFINITELY BACK YOUR STUFF UP BEFORE INSTALLING IT. I really recommend you just starting a new game with this mod and trying it out. You will have your butt handed to you pretty consistently until you make some friends with the warring factions in the game and get some backup.
Oh and a note on Support. Like i said, i am posting the mod here because I am having so much fun with it that i figure someone would want to check out the features in it. But I can promise you that although I will gladly answer questions on how to use it or ways to get the most out of it, or spoilers, etc. I will not be making patches for specific compatabilities etc. Ill update the file on Nexus as I update it constantly, but ill be updating it for me, with changes I want. Also, I have no problems with something tearing it apart , inspecting it in FO3EDit and taking out the pieces they want, hell, thats what I would do if this was someone else's mod, haha.
Anyway, features, as many as I can remember, at least...
- added a new quest that randomly adds in new spawns as you go through the wasteland worldspace. things that can be added periodically
creature vs creature group battles
creature vs NPC battles
NPC vs NPC battles
Major Battles (Enclave with Vertibird support vs other major factions)
Vertibird Patrol (will explain what that is in a sec)
Added new NPC/creature groups that could spawn in these conflicts...
Enclave foot patrol
Raider Patrol
BoS patrol
Outcast patrol
Talon patrol
Reilly Ranger patrol
Chinese Remnant patrol
US Remnant patrol
Regulator patrol
plus Wastelanders, Wastelander Ghouls, Scavengers, Hunters, Escaped Slaves, Slavers, Pitt Raiders, Bandits, Smugglers, Tribals, Swampfolk, all added to Wasteland in random spawns.
(Each get spawned in a small group, so its smart enough to not just produce a bunch of random NPCS, it produces a group of 3 raiders vs 4 enclave, or 3 wastelander, vs 5 outcast, vs 3 enclave, you get the picture)
- added a new quest that created an ongoing war between 9 different factions in the game.
- Enclave, BoS, Outcast, Talon, Ranger, Chinese Remnant, Raider, US Remnant, Super Mutant
- Each side has a home base where they produce Scouts and attack parties periodically
- Game tracks kills by each side and as they kill, each sides kill count goes up. Every 10 kills, the game will award the side with a new scout or very rarely a Behemoth (for Raider and SuperMutant), or a Liberty Prime prototype (weakened version of the Liberty Prime for Enclave, BoS, Talon, and Outcast).
- Each of these scouts are given random AI packages to travel to random locations of strategic importance around the wasteland (pretty much every map marker plus some handplaced locations i put in the emptier parts of the wasteland)
- These guys will ACTUALLY TRAVEL to these locations even if you aren't around them so while you are running around the wasteland you could run into these scouts on their way.
- At each of these strategic location, a trigger activator is there that will detect which side enters there, and as time goes on, new Guard NPCs will spawn here for the faction in control of it.
- Also, just added, when a location changes hands from one faction to the other, there is a small chance a war party of the factions will be produced to reinforce the location, travelling from the home base to the area of conflict.
- I play as a good character, so i also added in the ability of the player to ask members of the BoS, Outcast, Rangers, US Remnant to escort him. Or you could just follow them on their scouting missions. The point is, you NEED to have these guys fight BECAUSE....
- the main reward for this war is the advancement of technology. I went through the arduous process of tweaking every weapon levelled list to use a dynamically created and growing levelled list of available weapons. At first the only weapon available is the .32 Pistol, after 100 kills, the Law Dog (upgraded .32 pistol), then the Wild Bill , then 10mm Pistol, etc. all the way up through Submachine Guns, then Assault Rifles (including all the added in ones from the other mods), to Machine Guns, Sniper Rifles, to the biggest baddest weapons. Basically it makes the early game stupid hard with you having to kill Yao Guai or a Enclave Patrol with only a .32 Pistol.
- I deactivated the ability to add in scopes and stuff at the workbench (found it too easy to do and basically took all effort out of getting the best weapons). Instead they are added into the weapon levelled lists that get added over time
- created a new vertibird that acts as a real enclave patrol with vertibird support.
- first it lands and drops off two Enclave troops. While its hovering a turret comes out the bottom of the vertibird providing fire support, then the vertibird leaves the area.
- then the vertibird flies Patrols over the Enclave Troops, and if the troops are in combat, the Vertibird does automatic strafing runs on the enemy.
- When a Enclave trooper is killed, the Vertibird, instead of strafing, goes back to base (longer delay between next appearance) and drops off a replacement.
- this will KEEP going until you kill the vertibird, which has its strength upped to 3000 hit points.
- These patrol can be spawned randomly by the CONFLICT quest stated above or a small chance by Eyebots and Enclave foot patrol leaders.
- They are the single most awesome experience in the game as you are having this cool battles between you and your Brotherhood patrolmates vs the Enclave with a freaking vertibird doing strafing runs on you in the middle of it.
- If you destroy the vertibird, you get XP and two dead Enclave Pilots fall from the wreckage.
- upped the damage of all weapons and total redo of action point amounts, spread values, into something that made more sense to me.
- integrated fully into these are pretty much every weapon from FOOK, 20th Century Weapons, Azthek's weapon mods, plus the M41 pulse rifle, FN SCAR light. PLUS made mod-kit enabled versions of ALL of these. the FOOK ones I got from the WMK-FOOK compatability file. you dont need any of these ESPs but you will need the resources (meshes, etc). For weapons that didnt have new WMK models for them, i created the weapons anyway for consistency.
- all unique weapons are now available through the tech quest mentioned above.
- all mod-added weapons use vanilla ammo or a new 50 caliber ammo i add. Thus, this doesnt use CALIBR stuff.
- all modded weapons (adding Silencers, Scopes, etc) are now only gettable through the TECH ADVANCEMENT weapon list that changes over time to add in new weapons). I deactivated the ability to add in scopes and stuff at the workbench (found it too easy to do and basically took all effort out of getting the best weapons).
- added in some new armors that FOOK adds in, and tweaked to my liking, and added into the armor levelled lists.
- tweaks the strength of all NPCs specifically all the large factions, Raiders, Talons, Enclave, etc. upping their base health and modifying their classes and stats. they are all much more efficient killers and you need to respect them.
- added a new faction, US Army Remnant, basically a ghoul army of old veterans of the US Army. Figured they would be the Ghoul equivalent of the BoS.
- added spawn increases to almost all placed unnamed NPCs in the game, inspired by MMM's increased spawns. I do it a bit differently but used his scripts as a starting point.
- redid the strength of all creatures to be more challenging. Some, like Mole Rats werent changed much, but most upped quite a bit in health.
- added new creatures from Martigens MMM for FO3: Deathclaw Matriarch, Deathclaw Youth, Young Mole Rat, Vicious Dog Pup, Night Ghoul, and added them seamlessly into the levelled lists.
- added spawn increases to almost all placed creatures in the game, inspired by MMM's increased spawns. I do it a bit differently but used his scripts as a starting point.
- i pretty much flattened EVERY levelled list in the game, meaning the minute you leave the vault, you could run into a Deathclaw or Super Mutant Overlord. I wanted a HARD game, without any punches pulled. I also flattened the item levelled lists so you could get the best weapons early in the game. I later limited this with my STRATEGIC WAR AND TECH quest, where only the best weapons would be gotten after the Wasteland earns the right to have those weapons.
- tweaked the whole Casdin Outcast tech quest so that you dont have to deal with Casdin and you can trade in pretty much anything of value and get either caps or ammo. It adds a container and a perk to use the container at Fort Independence.
- used other hunger mods as inspiration, with my own flavor. Redid all food stuffs to give you auto healing instead of instant HP. One thing i changed from the normal hunger mods, is if you are fully fed and click on more food, the game tracks the nutritional essence of the food and will grant the player Stimpaks after a while.
- used the bullet time scripting ideas from the DK bullet time mod, but i added the effect to Jet instead of having it burn Action Points.
COMPATABILITY: I would assume this mod would WORK with other mods but it sure wont be compatable. My weapon damages are probably different from others, (higher) and i overwrite so many levelled lists i cant assure you'll even see other weapons from other mods. But like i said, most popular weapon mods I have already integrated into the mod so you see them, but youll see them when the mod determines you can see them (see the TECH ADVANCEMENT quest mentioned above)
NOTE: this mod has been running on my game for months, it is STABLE as heck, its just doesnt play well with other since it changes so much.
INSTALL: pretty easy, one ESP file (recommend getting the contributing mod resources -- meshes/textures, mentioned below)
when in game, start one quest to add in some hidden perks that you need to do stuff
in console, start mbAddHiddenPerksOnStartQuest
UNINSTALL: pretty easy, one quest to start
in console, start mbUninstallModQuest
then exit game, unselect the mod, and you are good. YOull lose any mod added weapons
CONCLUSION - if you are still reading this THANKS! and if you actually have the guts to try out this thing please do and let me know if you like it. Again, I really dont know what it would do to a heavily modded game, since mine isnt, but as long as you save your game before loading it, it shouldnt be a problem. I KNOW I left some features out of the game, but until this morning, I wasnt planning on releasing this, then said what the heck, and had to scramble to remember everything i've put in the game. HAVE FUN!!!
CONTRIBUTING MODS / CREDITS (*** means you will get bad missing models if you don't DL this mod)
***FOOK (must DL, uses models, textures, sounds, etc)
***MMMFO3 by Martigen (must DL, uses textures, sounds, etc)
inspired by Arwen Tweaks
Combat Enchanced
***Weapon Mod Kits by Antistar (must DL, uses textures, sounds, etc)
***20th Century Weapons by Einherjrar (must DL, uses textures, sounds, etc)
inspired by various Auto Aim mods
***Armory by Ahztek (must DL, uses textures, sounds, etc)
***Aliens M41A Pulse Rifle v3 mod by JB (must DL, uses textures, sounds, etc)
EPR-057 plasma gatling gun by 1337Martyr (not attainable in-game but is in this mod)
***M4 Carbines mod by metallicalec (must DL, uses textures, sounds, etc)
Makes Sense Bounty Hunter mod by PsyckoSama(used idea for getting Lawbringer perk)
Enclave Commander (inspired idea for real Vertibird patrol I put in this mod)
WeightAmmo.esp by Antone (inspired my ammo weight part of my mod)
***FN SCAR Light Mod by ???