Obviously I have made up my mind, as have you. I don't want to use auto-aim, you do.
I didn't, haven't made up my mind at all. That's why I am building different methods. I thought maybe someone else can take it further, it is food for thought. And I would like you to here me out first before making your mind.

Well, your descriptions aren't exactly easy to decipher, they still don't make proper sense to me. As long as auto-aim can be COMPLETELY left out if I should so choose (not by "minigames" or launching the arrow at the correct time - completely left out and without any effect on my aim no matter what), I don't care if it's included as an option. As I've said before, the "master archer will hit targets better than the player"-argument isn't really that valid, taken to its extreme it means disconnecting the character from the player, turning the game into a movie.
And I don't understand why you bring up randomness, it doesn't apply to the auto-aim-discussion. The randomness I talk about is the sum of human error and the weapons own dispersion. It doesn't have anything to do with auto-aim.
They are just random thoughts which I think could be melt into something better... Also English is not my native language.
If randomness is result of human error(the character who can be a non-human too), the human success must be the part of it too. It is really interesting to include character's error rates but not success rates. It is a yin-yang. You are willing to let go your arrow in some situation beyond your player skill but that doesn't disconnect you from character? You are thinking auto-aim as some low-life principal. Which it can be, but with careful design, it doesn't have to be.
Like you said, there are many things that affect trajectory and character can evaluate those better than the player. I am asking you to evaluate these things, and decide what part of it should be at player's hand what will be left for character's. Surely we can't have everything to be in player's hands. We only has a mouse button. There are many things and I think you will have to sacrifice some parts for to be left for character. Or we can discard those and have something very basic, reminiscent of basic FPSs. We want more flavor to it, don't we?
I come from FPS background, I like my aiming skills and enjoy it. I will use manual aim myself with all kinds of disadvantages. But I find users with a mouse button and screen centering skills thinking they can simulate aiming, ridiculous... I am an open minded person, I can't help it but to be devil's advocate.

PS. Manual aiming is completely optional in every sense. Just take manual aiming perk at 75. Or let's revert it, for who wants it, they just take an auto-aim perk at 75.