» Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:48 am
I've always loved the idea of crossbows. In real world application, they serve a certain purpose. One powerful and accurate shot can give an incredible advantage. They're not quick to load and shouldn't expected to be used in the same capacity as bows.
Any kind of throwing weapon is near useless. If you have a knife and you throw it, what do you have? Well, certainly not a knife. If I'm carrying a knife, I'm keeping it. If I plan on throwing them, I better be carrying a lot. So many, in fact, that I'd have to burden myself with straps, harnesses or bags of knives.
I know arguments about realism go out the window, but lore and lifelike behavior is often a point of contention here. So, would my character in a "real" Elder Scrolls situation go into battle with the burdens of carrying weapons that can't serve a purpose better that more efficient ones? I don't think I would.