» Tue May 17, 2011 8:10 am
Yeah..... one-shotting.....
The only time I see unassisted one-hit kills (that is, with just an ordinary bow and ordinary arrows) is with a character with notably high starting marksman skill (like a Bosmer with marksman as a major), with the best possible equipment, with a successful sneak hit with sneak of at least 25 (so that it's a 3x bonus), against the weakest enemies (bandit archers and wizards, imps, mudcrabs, rats, sometimes deer), in the first level or two. That's it. If the character's skill (marksman or sneak) isn't high enough or his equipment isn't good enough he'll never get unassisted one-hit kills at all, but even if he does, it'll only be for the first level or two. Then the rest of the world scales up enough that base marksman damage just isn't enough to take out much of anything in a single hit. And that's when poisons become important. There are some powerful enchantments that help too, but poisons are key.