Heya, first I would like to thank you for the sheer amount of quality mods you've released for Morrowind, and Princess Stomper for the companion mod.
So thank you.
Second: I have encountered some bugs with the companion mod.
For some reason ( and yes I did read previous posts) the mod gets "corrupted" somehow and the armor disappears. Try to load it in construction set and beside the error messages concerning the armor, construction also crashes if you try to go to Moonmoth legion fort. Strange, but can be easily remedied. I've found that reinstalling the mod works (at least for me)
The main mod breaking error howerer deals with the quest and the "much to discuss" option. Reading the walkthrough you have 3 conversations before the quest: the first about the scamp, the second about the armor (journal update), and the third about the dremora that guard the chest. Up until this point it all works fine, but from here on it gets screwy. If you wait a few days after the third conversation, every time you interact with her she says she has much to discuss, but no such option appears.
On the other hand if I go to the shrine, in the first area she warns me about the though fight ahead so I guess it works fine till now, but in the second area she has no reaction whatsoever even if I have recovered the armor. I believe that at this point my journal should update as well, but it does not.
If I return to the first area of the shrine (where Sheogorath statue is) she reverts to the dialogue warning me about the though fight ahead, even though she is already wearing the armor.
The walkthrough mentions a "congratulatory message" which, again does not happen. I've also checked her dialogue files and no such conversation seems to be present.
Sooo is this an error on my part or missing files?
And if so, what steps can I take to fix it?