***************************************************************** The Elder Scrolls III MORROWIND: Westly Presents Dremora (Markynaz) race& Princess Present- Gatanas Dremora (Markynaz) Companion v1.3*****************************************************************Index:1. Installation2. Playing the Plugin3. Save Games4. Changing the Face/Race of an Existing Character5. Credits & Usage6. The Quest***************************************************************** INSTALLING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************Manual Installation:This mod is packaged/archived with 7zip. Should one desire to usethis mod, an archive programme such as 7zip, Winrar, Winace, or Zip Genious should be used to extract/open the information/files herein.(Although, if you are reading this, then you already know how to do extract from archived files, so good for you ).Once extracted/opened, just drag and drop the Data Files Folder onto the Morrowind folder in your C:\Program Files\Bethesda Softworks directory and they will go where they are meant to go (except the readme and ExtrasFolder). All the files are placed inside folders as marked (become familiarwith manual installations, your game will thank you for it). You will then be prompted to overwrite. Click yes/ok and the files should now beproperly installed.In addition to the regular Meshes and Textures folder, I have also includedan EXTRAS folder. This folder (by itself) doesnot go into your Data Files folder.Inside the EXTRAS folder one will find alternate meshes for the Dremora (Markynaz)Race (nvde male and female meshes). This install much like the initial manual installation (just drag and drop the Alternate "Meshes" into your game's Data Files Folder; it will overwrite the previous Dremora (Markynaz) Meshof your choosing.***************************************************************** PLAYING THE PLUGIN*****************************************************************From the Morrowind Launcher, select Data Files and check the box next to Westly Presents-Dremora Markynaz.esp (this is the playable race and armour file which requires Morrowind only for play, no expansions needed)Additionally, should you decide to use the accompanying companion .esp, check the box next to EITHER the Gatanas Markynaz Dremora Companion - Male.esp file OR the Gatanas Markynaz Dremora Companion - Female.esp file. DO NOT PLAY BOTH TOGETHER (these will require Tribunal and Bloodmoon as well as the original Westly Presents-Dremora Markynaz.esp)This plugin adds:A new playable race, the Dremora (Markynaz)6 male Dremora Heads6 female Dremora HeadsMale and Female Vampire headsA large variety of hairs Race Description:The Dremora refer to themselves as 'The Kyn' ('the People'), contrasting themselves to other Daedra, whom they consider unthinking animals. The term 'kynaz' refers to a member of the Dremora race ('he of the Kyn').A Markynaz is a lord of lords, and member of the Markyn, Mehrunes Dagon's Council of Lords.The Dremora are skilled in both the art of war and adept in all schools of magika. As servants of Mehrunes Dagon, they are like him in pride, fixed purpose, and lack of subtlety, with the addition of the peculiar traits of honor and loyalty, both within their class and within their relationship to Lord Dagon.(source: Varieties of Daedra by Aranea Drethan, Healer and Dissident Priest, the Imperial Library)Stats (Male and Female)STR-35INT-50WIL-40AGI-40SPD-30/40END-40/30PER-35LUC-40Skill Bonus-Alteration-5Athletics-5Conjuration-5Destruction-5Illusion-5Light Armour-15Short Blade-5Abilities-Soul of Mehrunes Dagon:Resist Normal Weapons- 10%Fortify Maximum Magika x5Reflect 10Fortify Willpower,Enchant, Restoration, Mysticism. Alchemy x3Fist of Mehrunes Dagon:Fortify Attack- +10Fortify Strength, Axe, Blunt Weapon, Long Blade, Marksman, Hand-to-Hand, Spear x3Will of Mehrunes Dagon:Fortify Block, Heavy Armour, Medium Armour, Unarmoured, Acrobatics, Agility, Endurance x3Because they have a plus 3 bonus to most skills, attributes, then these Dremora's will have no other starting spells. They are combat and magic driven, and thus might have a hard time with merchants and overall disposition. They may be lean a bit to the overbalanced edge, but these are Dremora's, right? The bonuses would help out in the beginning, but eventually they would even out as the player levels up.Also added in this mod is a rare form of Better Body Light Daedric Armor, the Daedric Arcana armor set. It is a full set of armour including a shield and three skirt/pants to compliment the nature of the armor. To find the armour, journey to the shrine of Mehrunes Dagon (Yasammidan, Shrine), to uncover the Secret of the Kyn (recommended for high level players, as the armour is guarded by a gauntlet/legion of the Kyn/Dremora; at least 7 Dremora at a given time, increasing in difficulty as the player levels).Because the armour is so rare and difficult to obtain, indeed its armor rating should be high so as to be a just reward for your troubles (= to glass and far more enchantable). A sword will also be found with the armour, the Fang of the Kyn. Once ,a pure elven blade of ebony, now a twisted tool of Oblivion reforged by the will of Mehrunes Dagon. It blade reflects the power of the Daedra, with each stroke a fatal blow for man and mer. (A corpse of a fellow adventurer holds the secret of the Kyn)Prepare your self well for battle!Cheers!***************************************************************** Save Games*****************************************************************This plugin will not invalidate your old saved games. If you save your game while this plugin is loaded, you may encounter error messages when you reload the saved game without the plugin. But you will beable to continue on with the original game.***************************************************************** Changing the Face/Race of an Existing Character*****************************************************************To change the face/race of your existing character without starting a new game, open the console and type "enableracemenu". Choose your new face and hair. Changing your race will cause temporary problems that should resolve themselves when you reload. Always save your game first in case of unpredictable errors and save afterwards in a new file.***************************************************************** Issues/Bugs/Mild Irritances*****************************************************************-The armour is a BB (Better Body) armour. As such it will clip with other body styles (original bodies, smoother bodies, and so on).-The Dremora race is a BB v2.2 race, so clothing types from other mods forSmoother Bodies will clip with this body type (just so you know).-Much of the armour and many of the hairs make use of alpha channelsto define their shape (by use of tranparency). In some instances, when another mesh that makes use of transparencies (say a waterfall mesh)overlaps the meshes that use alphas in this mod, there might be a chance that the hair/armour might temporarily dissappear ( this also applieswhen casting spells such as Chameleon or Invisibility). This is a known issue, and is not specific to this mod (but in all mods that make use ofalpha channeled meshes [also, in any alpha channeled "stock" mesh too]).-Some of the longer hairstyles will clip with the body during certain animations. Without skinning/physiquing/weight-paintingthis is unaviodable, but worth the minor clip here and there for the character of your choice.***************************************************************** Credits & Usage*****************************************************************WESTLY:Original face models by Rhedd, female altered by Robert, in some instances, altered further by Westly.Original Hair meshes by Ren, ThrottleKitty (with permission), Gorg, and Darksharp(altered by Westly; added horns and new textures)BB v2.2 mesh by Psychodog StudiosArmor Meshes by Nioliv Greaves mesh by Junkmail (altered by Westly)Helm Mesh by Bethesda (altered by Westly, added horns)Reflection texture from PhijamaFang of the Kyn Sword Model by Vagabond Angel (altered by Westly, added curving blade)Head & Body textures by WestlyTattoo designs based on the excellent work by Aliensloffrom her Oblivion Dremora Skins.The armor textures utilize bits and pieces of original Bethesda Daedric textures mixed with my own textures (this was done to remain as homogenous to the original feel of in-gameDaedric armor as possible)Oriphier's Daemon races were the inspiration for the reflective/shiny horns (though his models were not used).I still want to give him credit for the inspiration.Thank You! to Dave Humphrey for creating NifTextureThank you NifTools for NifSkopeThank you to the community for the continuing support.Thank you to AlienSlof for initally pointing me down the right paths when I first began making mods.Thank You to the Mod Testers :canis216TelesphorosKarpik777AorawnObeliskmidgetalienThis is not a resource, but meant for player enjoymentShould one desire to use any content from this mod, contact meat the sites mentioned below (if your request is reasonable, thenI might grant a premission, else, I can make something new for you so as not to perpetually the content herein til they become tired and blas?) .Questions? Comments? I hang around Planet Elder Scrolls and Bethesda Games Studio Forums with my given id "Westly" (Wesadam at PES). Seek me out at these forums. Please PM if you have any questions.DO NOT UPLOAD/REUPLOAD OR REDISTRIBUTE THIS MOD ON OTHER MOD OR FILESHARING SITES
. UPDATED v1.3 Wednesday, July 23, 2009--PRINCESS STOMPER:Animations: Qarl/RX31Scripts: Grumpy, Emma, DinkumThinkum, CDCooley, TheOtherFelix, Cortex, Qarl, Kateri, Princess StomperElder Scrolls Forums - "princess_stomper"email princess_mods at*****File History:v1.1- Inclusion of Companion Patches that fixes bugs with a few topic variables Changed Name of the Dremora (Markynaz) to just Markynaz (so that the NPCs will not refer to you as the full title v1.2- Addition of new Horn Hairs based on Ren's Oblivion HairstylesMany textures have now been changed to .dds format with mips (for more friendly gameplay. Alterations to the Companion .esps so that they now use the new hairstyles. Alteration made to the Male companion.esp so that he now is sure to be wearing the Daedric Ritual robe upon first meetings.v1.3- Replaced head textures with new high rez redesigned texturesMale head mesh replaced with a model with a wider angular jawBody meshes are now assymetrically mappedAll hair meshes from the initial release (v1.0) have now been replacedwith unique models. Dremora NPC has now been replaced with a creature version (for those that enjoy soul trapping).No actual changes have been made to the companion .esps
*refer to the archived README for more important information...
*see the DL page for additional screens...