Looking at the list of all possible marriageable NPCs in Skyrim, here are the lists, and I am basing them on this link: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Marriage
- Argonian: 1
- Breton: 2
- Dark Elf: 4
- High Elf: 1
- Imperial: 4
- Khajiit: 0
- Nord: 14
- Orc: 2
- Redguard: 2
- Argonian: 2
- Breton: 5
- Dark Elf: 4
- High Elf: 0
- Imoerial: 4
- Khajiit: 0
- Nord: 18
- Orc: 3
- Redguard: 0
To sum these lists up, this basically means:
- Males have more options than females.
- Nords will have no problem finding a mate of their kind.
- Khajiit, male or female, are forever alone if they are looking for a match. http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/328/b/3/b3d19a065d9bc4c73af118ca64151c22-d4h6hhw.jpg
- Elves are more limited than humans when finding a match. Given it is okay for them to find human mates as well as other Elven races.
- Argonians are more limited than everybody else except Khajiit, but they have at least one option.
Now on to adoption. Should I go with a human, a human, or a human? Here is the link I am basing this on: http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Adoption
And on the list, here are your options for adoption. Parentheses means that more become available if their parents happen to die.
Male Children:
- Argonian: 0
- Breton: 1 (2)
- Dark Elf: 0
- High Elf: 0
- Imperial: 2
- Khajiit: 0
- Nord: 1 (5)
- Orc: 0
- Redguard: 1
Female Children:
- Argonian: 0
- Breton: (1)
- Dark Elf: 0
- High Elf: 0
- Imperial: 1
- Khajiit: 0
- Nord: 2 (10)
- Orc: 0
- Redguard: (1)
To sum this list up, this means:
- Humans only. No cats, no lizards, no elves.
- Nords again, understandably have a large variety of options if they are looking for a match.
Now I don't know if there are any mods that give other races more options for kids, but I don't play the PC version. I don't have access to mods.
Does this not bother anybody else? I just don't see a Khajiit marrying anybody but a Khajiit. I don't see an Argonian having human children. Have you learned to cope with this kind of stuff, or do you just learn to do without? Share your thoughts with me on this subject. Thanks.