I'm not defending anyone. I agree with their decision, and support it, because its optional, and it makes a lot of role-players happy. I'm essentially defending those whom Bethesda made decision on behalf of.
Not sure how to argue with an opinion. So you're basing all of this on an opinion you have about an optional game feature? Sounds like misdirected energy, if you ask me.
To the "serve no real purpose" statement, once again, another opinion. I think the players in this forum have made it perfectly clear what the purpose for it is: more depth in role-playing your character. Its an option that players have to further define their character. You don't like it, don't want it, well....don't use it? -shrugs-
Secondly, if you don't like seeing developers "test" a game feature, then you don't like sequels. This is how games evolve. Todd Howard has made it VERY clear that its part of Bethesda's philosophy to try out new things and see how they work. Like I said, if you don't want developers to "test" new features, then stick with Morrowind. Its the same game it was when it was first released.
Well, the problem here is that many people don't see this "abandonment of their roots" that you are trying to make it out to be. Once again, more exaggerations. Its the adding of a role playing feature. An optional one. Is this so hard to understand?
And actually, yes, you are saying that Bethesda should cater to your opinions about the game. Dress it up whatever you want, thats what you are essentially doing.
Not to make us seem like the Doublemint twins, but I think you have said it all and said it well as a response.
The notions that no game has "ever" done the relationships well or that no one has "ever" liked them or that they "never added" anything are two parts opinion and one part just plain wrong.
People have definitely liked them. From the Sims to Fable and a host of other games featuring such things besides, people have liked them, and begged for expansions to be made to them. LOTS of people. Hundreds of thousands, and possibly even millions of people.
As ShadowWarrior said, game forums represent only a strident minortity of a games more fervent players. Usually players who are so into the game that they want to increase its value to them by having it cater ever more specifically to their interests. This is not entirely a bad thing, but when it becomes exclusive, abusive, and or starts pushing for fewer options for other players, it can turn into a real mess. What you can be reasonably certain of is that for every one person on these forums who feel a certain way about a feature, or the absence of a feature etc. etc., there are about ten thousand NON-formum members, people who never visit and might not even know about these forums, who feel the same way. And while, yes, that does mean there are tens of thousands of people who have no desire to see relationships in these games, it also means there are tens if not hundreds of thousands of people who very much want those features, and for whom those features definitely add value to the gameplay.
As to it being "done right" or "done well". Practice makes perfect, at least some of the time. An imperfect option with shortcomings is still often far better than no options at all.