first i heared there going to be jobs ingame, i was like ok this sound nice, but then they said there going to be marriage, and thats where i said wait a sec, it a fantasy game! im a Hero!, i dont need to work! i dont need a Wife to tell me i need to go to work to provide her,
anyway we got those thing in real life!, we play the game as hero that need to save the world!, i mean whats next take out the garbage on your way to a dungeon?
in 20 years RPG games you will be able to have childrens that you need to send to school so they will get XP for and grow up, you will need to do the laundry after you got back from "jobs" and Before you know it you will Play THE SIMS! and call it RPG
You also get an antropomorphic body, with a head, two eyes, a nose, an ass, a pair of arms and legs etc. In Elder Scrolls you get boars, horses, cougars, mammoths (we used to have those), saber tooth cats (used to have them too), deer, black and brown bears, food, lettuce, farms, farmers, sheep, shepherds, wines, cheeses, vinyards, etc. etc. etc.
One of the defining traits of a full RPG (any game where you play a character other than yourself, even if the character is largely based upon you, is technically an RPG, but here I specifically reffer to games that are especially designated as such), and what seperates it from the more generic Hack and Slash games with RPG elements (see Link, Golden Axe, and Gauntlet) is that the World attempts a greater verisimiltude. It offers more to the players in game life than JUST being a hero. Indeed, you don't even HAVE to be a hero. It is just a nice option that most players enjoy, and which is central to the main plot that you always have the option of not even bothering with.
The IDEAL RPG is actually a SIMS game, but a SIMS game with the possibility of Heroic Quests, Legendary Powers, Mystical Creatures, and the Heroism, Herarldry and Horrors of Olde.
The goal of the Sword and Sorcery RPG has never been to get as far away from "real life" as is possible. Very few people want to play a truly ALIEN game. Such a game would be virtually impossible to understand, let a lone identify with. What most RPG players, readers of Sword/Sorcery novels, fans of Harry Potter movies and Hobbit movies, and Willow and Star Wars and Legend etc. etc. want is a world that is more or less like the world we know (or, at least, the world as it was in ages past), with the wonderous and wonder inducing addition (call it an enormous "PERK" if you like) of having things "not found in your everyday garden," like giants, and man eating ogre mages, and wicked old witches who really can curse your entire house, and powerful good wizards who vanquish dreadful evil sorcerers, and knights, and dragons and lovely damsels who strip down to their bare briasts and kick a lot of ass while exposing most if not all of their own shapely asses, etc, etc. etc. If all you can do in the game world is burst in, kick a lot of bad guy ass, and be a hero, then the Roleplaying aspect is actually fairly limited. You almost have to be a hero. And, at the end of the day, that is just about all you can be. You can do it in different guises, either as a Mighty Warlock of a hero, or as a Mighty Warrior Hero, or as a skilled Assasin with heroic deeds to his credit. . . but you cannot be Yohan the Farmer, or Bill the Blacksmith in your spare time. And you must be a very lonely hero, since, to quote a Killers song "For Reasons Unknown" you cannot make friends, you cannot take lovers, and the only relationships you have are with subordinates in guilds you may have come to lead. . . and, in Oblivion, half of these didn't even respect you as an authority figure.
How ridiculous would it be for the most powerful Warlock/Warrior/Warlord in all the land NOT to be able to get a girlfriend or a boyfriend. Hell, every lass and lad in the province should be showing up to shake your hand and kiss your ass, and whatever else you want, after you vanquish a few dragons, slaughter a few dozen raiding goblin tribes, and turn the local wicked necromancer into a wisp of smoke. :sorcerer: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: Trust me, so long as the additional features don't cause the action/adventure/sorcery/warcraft/legends departments to suddenly turn to crap, relationships, occupations and general "life like" immersive details will only enhance the overall value of the game, quests et al. Quests become more meaningful when they are not the only the one has available to do. Heroism becomes more meaningful when the roles of "hero" and "villain" are not the only occupations open to the player.