» Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:28 am
Anybody a little pissed off that there are no possible Khajiit wives or husbands? ( I realize that their religion limits them of what they believe, but there have to be a few converts to the Nine Divines, or maybe even some that don't even care) Not that I was specifically wanted to marry a Khajiit, but really, Bethesda, why are you limiting people's options?
There are like a dozen or more Nords and a few Imperials on that list, 1 Argonian (Thank God, at least there's one so people can choose.), 1 Orc, A couple Elves, an handful of Imperials, and a Redguard.
OH crap, also no Wood Elves in either the male or female categories. (Also, I realize their religion. But to say again, they are not limiting PLAYER CHARACTERS from marrying non-Khajiit or Wood Elves, so this doesn't make any damn sense.)
Just realized that this is on the wiki, but hopefully they will put some Khajiit or Wood Elves you can actually marry in DLCs and Expansions.