Ysolda is cute enough, but something was missing. I then went to see Sylgja, ran a quick errand for her. When I returned, I bumped into a bucket, and she yelled at me to watch it...sheesh, not even married, and getting yelled at by a woman with a big pickaxe--back to Whiterun.
I asked Ysolda to marry me (with Lydia standing there), and it was set. I had already bought the house in Whiterun, so was set as far at a home went. I got to the Temple of Mara, and Ysolda was waitng at the altar.
The ceremony went as planned, then Ysolda left, and I turned around. Lydia was sitting there looking totally pissed. I tried to talk to her, and all she said was "congratulations"--didn't sound like she meant it either. She wouldn't even talk to me after that, so I left the temple, then came back in--she was ready to follow me again.
Got back home to Whiterun. Ysolda was at home hanging out, and gave me an endearing comment when I came in. The girls got along fine together. There's a single bed(room) at the top of the stairs that says "owned"...that's Lydia's room. Yet, something was just plain missing. So, I got the marriage annulled. (reset a full save before I had asked anyone to marry me).
I've met a lot of women in the game, and most are pretty fine--probably make great wives too. But Lydia is the one I wanted to share life with as it is, in Skyrim. Deciding to chance it, I clicked on Lydia (pc) ran the console command "addtofaction 19809 1", and nothing else. Then I approached her, and was quite happy to see the dialogue I had hoped for--she was very interested in me, and me in her--the wedding was set, so off to the temple we go. We both said our "I do's"--unlike when she said "congratulations", she actually sounded like she meant it. Ceremony ends, and she's gone.
Ysolda made it home in no time, but when I got there this time, no Lydia, at home or the great dining hall. OK, I figured I'd sleep the night, and look again in the morning--still no Lydia.
Getting a bit concerned about my wifes welfare, I used console command "player.moveto a2c94". Lo and behold, she was just barely half way back from Riften!! She was walking the whole way. She didn't really seem to pay much attention to me, but was more concerned with going home. I did talk to her, and she sound excited about being married, and where to live, which I replied my place, then she continued on ahead of me.
I was walking slow, letting her keep well ahead, just to see how she fared--then she got attacked by 4 wolves. I ran up to her, but it was all over--for the wolves that is. She was still carrying a flame spitting sword I found on a quest--she flamed their butts to a crackly crisp in seconds. She clearly did not need my help. There were 4 more wolf attacks on the way home--they all died the same violent death.
Well, she went through the city gates, and it was breath holding time--would she go home to our place? Yes. I went in behind her, and she was gone. I went upstairs, and she was already passed out from the long journey--on my side of the bed I might add. I figured it took over two days for her to walk home. Being late, I got in bed too.
Next morn, she was downstairs hanging out, spending some time in the kitchen. All good. I talked to her to see what changes in dialogue there may be. The option to open her inventory was gone, and replaced by a sales list--so she does sell goodies, but no dialogue about any money coming in like it did with Ysolda. I asked her to follow me--once again, her inventory dialogue appeared for my perusal. I love Lydia. Having a loving wife who will cook for me, then enjoy going on a killing spree in some dungeon, is where it's at for this old mage.
Update--hope this is easier to read now. also...after a few day cycles passed, and when we got home, all the dialogues appeared, and she had even made money while out ransacking old tombs with me.