Just a quick update -- I've been super busy so haven't had time to work on the next update much but, that said, I lied about Beta 5.
It's going to have quite a bit more than the previously listed fixes and new textures

I have quite a long to-do list for it, one of which was completing a feature that took two nights to get working properly -- the Gargantuan's Strike.
In Beta 4 I added the chance for the Garg to cause a knock-back effect when he strikes. The problem is, the effect is triggered directly by the Garg's strike in the actor dialog, and as it turns out this only gets applied by the engine if the target actor isn't dead. This meant actors wouldn't fly back for killing blows. Which kinda ruins how just cool the Garg could be

This isn't just about having them fly back as they die, I wanted to create gibs-in-flight for those times when an actor is dismembered by a killing blow -- imagine the sheer splatter as a NPC is dismembered by the Gargantuan's giant fist, sending bits flying across the battleground with the same velocity as the knockback of the blow!
It turns out, the act of dismemberment cancels out physics -- i.e, a flying body dismembered to gibs stops mid-air when it seperates, kind of ruining the effect. So I spent a while working on this, and ended up coding a system that uses two different spells and a token to produce the following:
- NPCs are knocked back by the force of a Gargantuan strike
- If they strike should kill them, they are still knocked back with velocity as they die
- There's a chance for a NPC to be dismembered on impact as they are knocked back if they die
- There's a chance for an NPC to be completely obliterated at the impact of the Gargantuan's strike
This may sound like a lot of work for one creature, but the effect is so absolutely worth it

There are basically three different ways NPCs (and creatures too, I should note) can die from the Gargantuan's strike. Evergreen Mills is a complete battleground now as the Gargantuan decimates the Raiders, sending bodies and gibs and limbs flying in all directions across the area

The screenshots don't do justice to action in-game (and it's hard to snap gibs in-flight), but here's a quick teaser:
::: http://members.iinet.net.au/~amills/MMMF3-GargStrike1.jpg::: http://members.iinet.net.au/~amills/MMMF3-GargStrike2.jpg