[RELz] Mart's Mutant Mod 1.0 Beta 4

Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:32 pm

Hey Martigen; I remember MMM fondly from my Oblivion days, and was very happy to see a MMM in progress for Fallout3.

Got the Gekko's despite No Gekko's bug, then noticed I'm a release behind! Time to update.

I'm not using FOOK, or XOV, or whatever those are - yet. I've just returned from not playing Fallout3 for several months (in fact, I stopped playing just before the GECK was released, I think). I am using Very Slow Leveling LITE, though.

I'll tell you what, Very Hard is indeed approaching what it should be with your mod. What's killing me is: ammo. I can usually out-smart the AI (like that's hard :P ) but just the sheer numbers is eating up all my ammo and wearing out all the equipment. Not for the last time have I wished for respawnable containers/loot! This is going to make picking up Scrounger a must.

Increased Increased is hell on wheels, though, and at times overwhelming. My 6th level character was heading for Minefield to complete that portion of the Survivalist's Book quest, and I ran across the abandoned church SW of it. I swear, the svcker had at least 15 Super Mutants either in it, or wandering about, and three Centaurs. I really didn't want to bypass it, and had some hilarous fun luring a group of 4-5 Mirelurks into there (they and the SM's had a little party) as well as a band of raiders (who got eaten alive). Four of the SM's were of the Brute variety armed with Miniguns. Whew.

I finally had to bypass it, despite the piteous cries I was hearing from their hostage(s). Well, good! I don't like scaled encounters, or, at least, not constant ones - running into areas where I must retreat is something I like. The numbers are also increasing my crashes, though, so I did have to lower them by stepping down to Increased Spawns.

Some minor stuff:

1. Molerat's teeth: I leave those where they lie. Just too weighty and not worth much - 2lbs per set and only 1 BC.
2. The custom loot all use the Deathclaw model when sitting on the ground - is another, perhaps smaller available? Minor quibble.
3, I also have had encounters where creatures with nearly full health go and cower.
4. Fleeing creatures make the UPP's Coward perk tempting
5. Do all creatures have like an enhanced Sneak or something? My character's Perception of 7 is not picking them up as often as he should, I think . . .

Kudos for the author of the Night Ghouls, too - they are frackin' AWESOME. Scared the crap out of me the first time I was jumped by a band of 3-4 of them.
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:13 am

Hey Martigen I'm all of a sudden getting serious CTD's with Beta 4. I never had this problem with Beta 3. I'm going to blow out Fallout 3 and reinstall. Maybe something got corrupted.
Do you still have to wait 4 days even though you started a new game?
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Theodore Walling
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 1:03 am

This is by far my favourite mod. Do we have anything along the lines of Oscuro's yet? In Oblivion MMM and OOO went well together as my PC couldn't handle FCOM :)

closest is xfo and/or fwe wanderer's edition, mmm works with both
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 6:12 am

I'll tell you what, Very Hard is indeed approaching what it should be with your mod. What's killing me is: ammo. I can usually out-smart the AI (like that's hard :P ) but just the sheer numbers is eating up all my ammo and wearing out all the equipment. Not for the last time have I wished for respawnable containers/loot! This is going to make picking up Scrounger a must.

You want a mod Buddah...yes, believe it or not, Buddah....made for MMM.

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Pawel Platek
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:07 pm

Surely you don't have to do the 4-day wait if just updating the mod?

Thanks for the link! Cheers, it'll come in handy. There's nothing sadder than an empty ammo box :sad:
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:38 pm

Spore plants? Floaters? Wanamingos? Possible? :)
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Samantha Pattison
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:13 pm

The newest version is great, I love what you did with the feral ghouls! Making them more like traditional zombies is definately lots of fun and more challenging. Although, since i witnessed 1 feral ghoul win in a fight against 2 Super Mutants with nailboards it makes me wonder if there is any way to train the AI to concentrate on head damage for feral ghouls (oh wait, I guess you can't do that in melee anyway).
I am wondering why certain areas seem to have increased spawns, while others don't. For instance: springvale school definately has increased numbers of ants, while Greyditch and Marigold station definately do not. I can understand why you don't want three Ant Queens, but why not 10 nest guardians? (by the way, good work making insects tougher). I've also noticed a few other places where there doesn't seem to be additional spawns, like outside of the GNR building the first time you get there. Is this because it is very 'choreagraphed'? Also, does Increased Spawns effect friendly factions, like Brotherhood of Steel?
Compatability with FOOK and XFO seems to be working quite well for me.
So, I think the corpse flies are good idea, but what about flesh scavenging? It seems to me like if I kill a bunch of Raiders outside, then a couple of days later some sorts of animals should be at that spot to eat up the remains (even if it's just a bunch of radroaches). And maybe some scavengers to loot whatever I didn't take away. I know it wouldn't make sense to have corpses just attract all kinds of stuff, but it might be cool to add some kind of chance to attract animals (or night ghouls!) to the the sight of a massacre. How about a bunch of vultures wheeling above, too! And how about skeletons left behind! That would be AWESOME!
OK, gotta settle down now. Anyway, thanks for the rad mod, you rule.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:01 pm

Last of the Regulators

My 6th level character was finishing cleaning up and scavenging Minefield, when he got "the Call" - from the Regulators. As their HQ was nearby, he headed that direction, roughly east by south-east.

Coming upon a rocky ridge, he witnessed a terrifying sight - at least a dozen, maybe more, glowing feral ghouls crossing the plains below. As they were directly between him and Regulator HQ, and he wasn't willing to wait (he should have, in retrospect), he settled down, rested his sniper rifle on a boulder, and started picking them off. The ones that managed to run around the ridge and get in personal, he finshed off with a CAWS combat shotty. A pack containing 80+ shotgun rounds were eventually expended.

Finally, the plains seemed clear, although a goodly number of ghouls fled to the east (towards Regulator HQ, I later found out). After scavenging the bodies -what these abominations needed caps for was beyond him, but it was a welcome bonus - he continued his progress towards his goal.

All seemed fairly peaceful outside of the HQ - Brahmin grazed, crickets chirped. There was a lone Ghoul eyeing the Brahmin hungrily, but already weakened by several bullet wounds (one of those that fled) it didn't dare attack them. I put him out of his misery and entered the door.

(I wish I'd had the quickness to take a screenshot of this). Regulator HQ was a scene of horror. Inside were at least another ten Feral Ghouls. The Regulators were crouched behind furniture and around corners, firing like mad. By the door, I was literally surrounded by ghouls on all sides.

Managed to kill two of them occupying the corner of the shack, then claimed it for myself, putting my back to the wall. The only thing that kept me alive was Med-X, Stims, a large dose of Psycho, and an Assault Rifle (the CAWs long since having run out of ammo).

As it was, all the Regulators died save their Leader, Mz. Cruz.

Oddly enough, I found a Wanted notice for my character on one of the Regulator's bodies - I think one of them probably caught a stray shot or pellet from me, and the notice was generated. It didn't stop Sonora from signing me up, though. Hopefully more Regulators will be spawned on my next run here, or it's going to be a lonely road.

The increased spawns (not using Increased-Increased, as the sheer numbers are giving me CTD's) still definitely have an impact. I'd just gotten the Molerats part of the Survivor's Guide quest, and I headed towards my favorite spot for Molerats - not the Tepid Sewers, although that's a backup, but Jury Street Station. Usually there's an ample number of the buggers, along with Raiders, and the Molerat Wonder Meat Machine is located there.

What I found this time, was a large number of Raiders and a lot of dead molerats. I managed to kill three but was far away from the ten required for the optional part of the quest. Guess the Tepid Sewers it is - although there's Raiders battling molerats there too . . . .
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 4:51 am


Did you put a spawn point for Feral Ghouls inside of Regulator HQ?

I went back there to turn in a bag of fingers, and as soon as I entered, I confronted two Feral Ghouls inside. This was during the day, btw.

Apparently they hid in here to escape the heat of the sun, eh? All the other Regulators are still dead it seems, their bodies gone. Sonora is still there, hiding from the Ghouls on the 1st floor. Thankfully, she still accepts the bounties.

Oh, another item.

Inside of Jury Street Metro, one of the "Bosses" is respawning, the scientist/Raider fella. Can't remember his name off the bat. I assume that the respawn mod is not supposed to respawn bosses/uniques?

No big deal if it does; he usually has nice weaponry, anyway :nothanks:
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:52 pm

So I know you have lots of questions to answer, but I have another one, heh.

Do you plan on in a future update down the line adding some of the enemies from the DLC content into the regular wasteland? Like the spider drones or trogs? I know you would have to make it so that you'd need the DLC content to do this and all of that, but it would be quite awesome to see some of the DLC enemies in the regular wasteland. Just a thought.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 9:32 pm

Well, I'm going to be hugely inconsiderate and propose insanely difficult and time-consuming creature ideas, yay~

First off, water life... Bethesda doesn't seem to have learnt anything from Oblivion and we are once again greeted with utterly empty bodies of water, only this time round, we don't really have anything in the water that can actually attack you, what with mirelurks needing to be out of water to attack you and all that~

My proposition? Giant leeches, giant catfish(with tentacles, hooray for mutations), and perhaps an alligator or two, with a particularly giant-giant catfish by the name of Oscar acting as a guardian of sorts for Rivet City, after all, what's a seaside city without it's big fish tales? Obviously the player would need some form of motivation to go after this fish, perhaps the fish could have swallowed some legendary wastelander who was in possession of a very powerful item, which your character could find out about from one of the Rivet City inhabitants, triggering a quest line that has potential for delicious twists~

Now, back onto land... snakes, rattlesnakes... I mean really, how can you have a vast American wasteland and not have rattlesnakes~?

Unique dungeon bosses would be an interesting idea too, that's one thing I've always enjoyed about Japanese game design... dungeon = boss at the end, always... rescaled, retextured insects would do for the most part, perhaps throw in a centipede model just to add something new~

And uh, onto less creative ideas... the Molech and Gehenna from Van Buren, easily the best looking humanoid creature designs I've ever seen, there has to be a way to get them in~ ;~:


And no, you can't have your time back if you bothered to read this~
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:19 am

with a particularly giant-giant catfish by the name of Oscar acting as a guardian of sorts for Rivet City,

how bout a mysterious smoke monster like the one in lost. that would be tremendous
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Damian Parsons
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:24 pm

Does anyone know where I can download beta 3? I want to revert the glowing one back to normal. I am finding him difficult to hit and it makes my eyes cramp-up when I see him implode after death.
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Matthew Barrows
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:14 pm

DAMN YOU, MARTIGEN!!!! :swear:

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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 3:19 am

mart, check out the wasteland mommoth mod! maybe you could add that
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Big mike
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:46 am

Hey mart just a few questions I been messng around with Mutants this week...
(Yes yes I mess around with something new every week.)

I was just wondering for Koldorns "Re-Skin" of the Mutants.

I know that mutants are built from two textures but from 9 meshes.
This is so that different variations can be made up to nine.

However I am wondering as Koldorn has done different coloured mutants do they show up on each of the 9 meshes or are they all for a specific mesh.
Meaning has he made 90 odd new textures and all are for different meshes or made 10 new textures and they have been applied to each of the nine mesh combinations.

I just think if you havent (Im sure you have) then this would increase the variations 9 fold!


Also have you edited any of the armour textures or just the mutant skin texture?
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anna ley
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:26 pm

is it normal to shoot a small gecko and have everyone around shoot you for it. i wanted to eat it, i was hungry
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Chloe Yarnall
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:25 pm

Any chance we can see an addon for Troggs from the latest DLC? It'd be awesome to see them mixed in with packs of ghouls, or in packs on their own.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:55 pm

Any chance we can see an addon for Troggs from the latest DLC? It'd be awesome to see them mixed in with packs of ghouls, or in packs on their own.

Lol.... "Day Troggs"?
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Cesar Gomez
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:22 pm

Any chance you can update this mod so raiders outside the pitt can spawn with the new armors and weapons?
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Post » Sat Apr 02, 2011 12:36 am

Any chance you can update this mod so raiders outside the pitt can spawn with the new armors and weapons?

This mod does not change Level lists.
Your proably best asking FOOK. :)
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 11:25 pm

This mod does not change Level lists.
Your proably best asking FOOK. :)

The section on NPCs seemed like it more than fitted into this mod. It'd further increase the variety of raiders. But your probably right about the leveled lists.

Diverse NPCs

Just like Diverse Creature Skins, the NPCs in the game also get some treatment. Mostly, and for the moment, this focuses on Raider diversity and includes 100 Raider variants all with new unique faces, hair, etc. Additionally, there are 12 variable tattoos styles which are mixed and matched across 28 different race variations.

The result is a much wider scope of Raider appearance you will encouter in the game, and greatly fleshes them out as a faction in the Wasteland.

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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:39 pm

I'm having issues downloading the mod, I've tried twice now and it's been unable to run due to Windows not knowing what program created it. I'm running XP and have got ArchiveInvalidater Invalidated activated. Do I need to download the GECK, or is there another thing thats messing it up?


EDIT: I didn't have 7-Zip when I tried downloading it. Should work now.
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 3:46 pm

I have to ask: has either Sneak been altered, or the PER of all creatures in Fallout3 raised?

My character, now 10th level, has a Sneak of 65+, wearing the Regulator's Duster (wg 3). Creatures are instantly detecting him, even when he's motionless and crouched in shadow. Even molerats. As soon as they round a corner or come out from behind obstructions (rocks, cars, furniture, etc) they instantly see him. Now, I'm a long-standing fan of Fallout3's stealth system and know - or knew - how to use it well (clothes, no light sources, walk don't run, etc).

I'm also doing a goodly amount of sniping. Generally the AI doesn't cope very well with it; if I manage to kill one creature in a large group the others are oblivious to what's happening to their numbers, even with corpses at their feet. The only time they seem to react en masse is if I don't score a kill on that shot. I have seen individual creatures duck & cover, but it's very rare.

The name of the "boss" that keeps getting respawned in the Jury Street Metro tunnels is Ryan Briggs. On a related note, could you possibly toughen all the "named" bosses (like Rocksalt, Ryan Briggs, etc)?

Questions to date:

1. Is there a Feral Ghoul spawn point inside of Regulator HQ?
2. Has the PERception of all creatures been dramatically increased, or Sneak decreased?
3. Could mob AI versus sniping (in particular, Raiders) be improved?
4. Could you possibly toughen the "Boss"es, that is, named creatures (Raiders)?
5. Shouldn't configurable respawn rates be an integral part of MMM?
6. I'd decrease the weight of Molerat Teeth, and increase the value of Yao Guai and Deathclaw parts, at least the ones with no ingestive / recipe value. Is it possible to use a different model then the deathclaw claws for them?
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Felix Walde
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Post » Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:35 pm

I have to ask: has either Sneak been altered, or the PER of all creatures in Fallout3 raised?

My character, now 10th level, has a Sneak of 65+, wearing the Regulator's Duster (wg 3). Creatures are instantly detecting him, even when he's motionless and crouched in shadow. Even molerats. As soon as they round a corner or come out from behind obstructions (rocks, cars, furniture, etc) they instantly see him. Now, I'm a long-standing fan of Fallout3's stealth system and know - or knew - how to use it well (clothes, no light sources, walk don't run, etc).

I'm also doing a goodly amount of sniping. Generally the AI doesn't cope very well with it; if I manage to kill one creature in a large group the others are oblivious to what's happening to their numbers, even with corpses at their feet. The only time they seem to react en masse is if I don't score a kill on that shot. I have seen individual creatures duck & cover, but it's very rare.

The name of the "boss" that keeps getting respawned in the Jury Street Metro tunnels is Ryan Briggs. On a related note, could you possibly toughen all the "named" bosses (like Rocksalt, Ryan Briggs, etc)?

Questions to date:

1. Is there a Feral Ghoul spawn point inside of Regulator HQ?
2. Has the PERception of all creatures been dramatically increased, or Sneak decreased?
3. Could mob AI versus sniping (in particular, Raiders) be improved?
4. Could you possibly toughen the "Boss"es, that is, named creatures (Raiders)?
5. Shouldn't configurable respawn rates be an integral part of MMM?
6. I'd decrease the weight of Molerat Teeth, and increase the value of Yao Guai and Deathclaw parts, at least the ones with no ingestive / recipe value. Is it possible to use a different model then the deathclaw claws for them?

Each weapon has its own detection-level, so when you shoot at a creature with a sniper rifle and the shot fails to kill the creature then based on the detection-level the creature will start a search to find the origin of the shooter.
I believe that the sniper rifle has a rather large/high detection-level so when shot but not killed you will likely be found by the creature you shot at, and it will bring its friends!

You should take a look at http://home.comcast.net/~xodarap777/XFO/XFO_Readme_Current.html#Links which has a "sneak rebalance" and also take a look at the mod http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=3388 which makes it possible to adjust your weapons to better fit your needs.
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