Nothing on fixing the flying gekos?

It's a bug with the original deathclaw mesh or skel on which the geckos are based, and the fix will be to monitor the Z axis and reset it, which is kinda resource consuming. It's on the to-do list.
Yes! He can lose either arm, or even both...
Will he still try to use the arm?
No! It's physically and skeletally and animatedally and VATSally gone for him.
Is it just an invisible texture or is he actually one-armed?
He is actually one-armed!
Could the arm still be shot-off?
You mean the good arm? Yes it can still be shot off!
Dismember before death?
Mart, if you pulled THAT out of your hat, you're positively awesome.
Not quite

There are engine limitations that prevent this, but I'm doing something special close to this