This is sincerely not meant to be hostile or anything, but I agree with thedamned.
Towards the end of your post I simply got lost/confused and couldn't really tell anymore what exactly you wanted to tell us.
Now that you said "I was merely discussing the issue of Travelling Traders [...] in a general sort of way", I entirely understand the post after reading it a 2nd time.
But the first time through I had troubles with finding a hint on how to interpret your message.
To me, thedamned's question was a really harmless comment to state confusion regarding your post.
Let me reassure you that I have no intention of putting blame on you or any such hostility.
But let's maybe step back and reconsider our need to start with insults on that misunderstanding.
EveryoneAnd my opinion on the "tougher traders" topic:
I'd be very unhappy with the death of any trader. I often need them during my travels to get rid of burden.
What disturbs me more, though, is that the caravans were not designed believably by Bethesda.
A caravan should be a larger group with several traders and at least 4-6 guards. A single trader with one bodyguard, who only roams the wasteland to sell armors (Crow) is an economical absurdity, to my perception.
The concept of a caravan is to provide protection for each other and to ensure a
somewhat comfortable life on the road.
Maybe we need a redesign of the caravans?
Let's combine 1 to 3 traders into 1 caravan?
With more guards in a caravan, their survival becomes a lot likelier...and they'd also pose an actual challenge for players who like raiding them.
The downside is that they become less useful that way, since the player would meet them less often.
I guess we need 3 big caravans. I'd consider that an "increased spawns" mod for caravans
Thinking over it...One trader in each caravan could be essential. When his caravan dies he'd later return with new brahmins, guards, etc.
I am just brain-storming here, though.