My sincerest apologies to thedamned!
I decided to check the Geckos in-game.
And the fire-geckos are a very suitable and welcome addition to F3. Brilliant skin. Nothing too cute about them.
Personally, I'd prefer them smaller and less aggressive. But that is a point with no relevance at all.
Thanks, thedamned, for a great model! And, yeah, I am an idiot. So much fuss about nothing.
Thanks, Martigen, for including them!
I cannot say much about the little-geckos yet, though.
Just as others reported...they seem to rocket off into the sky.
I was at the border of Canterbury Commons.
Upon turning around I noticed something flying straight upwards.
When it hit the area where the sky/map-ceiling ended, it reappeared on the rocky ground only to fly straight up into the sky again, immediately.
It repeated that procedure without a sign of ever stopping.
I moved in closer and could figure, without a doubt, that the gecko tried to walk but never managed to advance from the spot where it respawned.
Stepping into that spot didn't achieve anything. The gecko just flew right through me.
It was not invincible to my punches, though. I hit it once, which turned it hostile towards me. Angry at me, it flew off into the sky...and vanished.
I turned around a few times, but the red radar blip was gone.
Which also reminds me that sometimes creatures partially walk into the ground or walk with their bodies horizontally
not parallel to the ground (only seen Yao Guai do that), like walking up a slope, even though there is none.
But those are vanilla bugs, I assume?