What delamer said, scrap metal is the most valuable resource of the wasteland, I am not kidding. I need them for repair parts, Power Armor repair kits, ammo toolkits use them, i think RobCo Certified requires them too, and there's of course the collection quests from Walter and Winthrop. And it sounds like FWE 5.1 will make them even more needed.
Heard loud and clear, won't add scrapmetal to the list!
Odd question, is there any issues between 6.0 and the latest fook2 release?
I can run either mmm 6.0 or fook2. If I try to run both in a new game I freeze exiting vault 101 every time. If I go back to that save game before exiting, and turn off either fook2 or mmm no freeze occurs. To make things even odder, if I revert back to mmm 5.0 I get no freezing exiting the vault.
Not yet. I'll need to update the FOOK2 MMM FOIP plugin, and that's a heck of a lot more work than the FWE one, so I'll only do that once RC6 is up and released.
I'm playing with RC 5.0 and am having a hard time killing Death Claw matriarchs. Are they supposed to be almost impossible? I fired 150 rounds of sniper rifle and finally killed it. I'd get critical hits with no visible change in the health bar. I also went in the Death Claw cavern, used a bottlecap mine and 6 regular mines and only took it's health down by about 1/3. I'm playing with FWE and MMM plus a bunch of other mods that shouldn't be impacting this. Is this normal? If so, then is there some weapon I should be using that' I'm not? Thanks.
Couple of things to keep in mind:
* MMM randomises health within a set percentage range based off the actors normal base health. You might find a slightly weaker, or slightly stronger Deathclaw
* The healthbar is based off the base health, not the modified health. This can't be fixed, it's the way the game works. But it means if an actor is a 'stronger' variant you can hit them for a while before you see the bar dip (personally, I play with healthbars off, more intense combat!)
* FWE changes the Deathclaw bodyparts to make the head more vulnerable, and everywhere else three times tougher. Basically, go for the head or it's going to take a
lot of damage to kill one.
* Matriachs are the queens of the Deathclaws, tougher than your average by far. Now factor in the above points

Martigen- I have almost constant crashes in area between Moonbeam cinema and Seneka Station (near Arefu)
I begin new game, only DLC-s, FWE and MMM installed. Default settings.
As I can see- there are geckos, mirelurks and molerats only in this area
Is this with the updated RC6 beta that I re-uploaded a few hours after posting this thread? (you can check you got the right file, I called the re-upload *-Beta2 instead of *-B2.). If it is, would appreciate the savegame and FOMM list (so I know which FWE modules are selected etc). Thanks.
Also forgot to mention, since you brought it up in the previous thread: the issue with FWE's Alternate Travel plugin is that it's not aware of the MMM templates. I can't fix this without Mez' help in the FWE master, but you can fix it yourself by editing the AT .esp and just pointing 'CrBrahmin' to 'CrBrahmin1' for the Brahmin Caravans. You don't need to do any changes to factions etc.
Martigen, do you ever plan on using any of these models?
Yes I've looked at them and I've been thinking about it -- the supermutants mainly. The ghouls are good too but because there's only one clothing type per ghoul, it will always look like a clone everytime you meet it. If there were 6-7 varieties of clothing for each clothing type, it'd be a lot better and I'd probably include them.