Hi everyone;
As some of you may know I started a new Wanamingo model for MMMF3 couple of weeks ago. The task was to recreate the creature from scratch and add it to MMM, with custom design,custom model ,skeleton and animations. I worked 3 weeks on this and before I quit I managed to put a semi working creature in-game.I say "semi-working" because it lacked couple of requirements.
ragdoll,Vats body parts and death poses. Basicly I couldnt find the way to make these work 100% which caused deformed mesh on death and CTD when Vats activated.
1) Constraints can be set up in NifSkope I decoded the FO3 Constraints some time ago and they can be found on the NitTools forums.
2) Body parts are defined within the GECK under "Actor Data" -> "Body Part Data".
3) do not bother with the deathposes they are un-nessessary.
4) any creature that has a node defined as a VATS target and that node does not contain a RigidBody will crash the game -> do not try to set up a Ragdoll unless the skeleton.nif has constraints between all RigidBodies within the skeleton.nif -> Do Not set the Skeleton.nif Root Node, Bip01 or Bip01 NonAccum nodes as VATS targeting nodes, bad things will happen.
3) Since this is "Thee" Bethesda forum and I have been around playing their games since Daggerfall; and I am an Illustrator,designer and a CG artist.I hope some one from Beth can shine a light on these questions. "Is it possible to make a custom creature with the tools on modding communities arsenal ?" or let me phrase it like this "Even though it is possible to make a custom creature and put it in game, do we need some special tool to make it 100% compatible with FO3 and GECK ?" (( A note: I dont think recalibrating all the constraints and collusions in Nifskope is a logical way,Im asking what can be done/needs to be done with the 3D software (3dMax,Blender,Xsi whatever)) For example. DeathPoses.psa ? how do we create animation arrays ?
1) Beth personal will never answer questions of this manner and they are not going to give out any developer tools past the striped down CS itself.
2) Custom Creatures are possible with the tools available now.
3) Tools = Max/Blender, NifSkope and Tazpn's KFUpdater program.
4) Constraints are a pain true, but if its truely to much of a hastle do not add them and set up the creature to explode on death -> skip the Deathposes.psa.