This was exactly the problem. Thank you very much, Martigen. I loaded the same save that I mentioned before with all mods reactivated except for that particular FOOK plugin and everything worked fine. You're the man.
Good to hear.
I'm not sure if this is related to MMM or not but am asking here first. Were any major changes to spawns made in the L'Enfant Plaza area? I could swear I remember some significant battles there with numerous super mutants and a scripted event where an Enclave vertibird would fly in and drop some Enclave troops that would immediately engage the super mutants. Also, on the far end there are some Talon Company mercenaries near a metro stairway that would be engaged with mutants when you came up on it.
There are no cell edits in MMM, and no spawn point edits. It only changes
what spawns at a point, and in
what number if it's a level-list based point used for random monsters. No static or set points are altered. No scripted events are altered either, for obvious reasons (again, anything but random encounters aren't touched).
So no changes in L'Enfant.
I'm still using FO3MasterUpdate with patch 1.6 so I didn't have to start a new game (I'm near 400 hours with my current save), but was running the same setup when I visited L'Enfant a few weeks ago and saw the big battles playing out.
Masterupdate isn't needed anymore, can you reverse it?
Keep in mind also the following: when creatures respawn in cells that allow them to respawn, they respawn
where they die. If you lead a group of muties from L'Enfant two cells away, and this group includes the original parent spawns (i.e, the original vanilla spawn if MMM wasn't loaded), when they respawn after a cell reset that's where they will respawn (and then spawn Increased Spawns next to themselves). This is simply a mechanic of the game and there's nothing I can do to change it.
Another issue I'm having since updating to RC4 is that I had to remove the Feral Ghoul Rampage addon because I get a CTD within about 2 seconds of transitioning into any subway/metro tunnel with it activated now. I actually complete the transition the area appears like normal, but I CTD within 2 seconds.
Not heard that before. You've done a full-on clean-save upgrade as per the upgrade instructions when you installed RC4? Including waiting 9 days instead of 4 if you use FWE?
I would try clearning your savegame of
all non-essential mods (meaning, don't clear any that add equipment you want to keep, and some mods like perk mods won't let you remove them (game won't load f they're not ticked)).
The only mod changes I've made since everything was working pre-RC4 is adding the Enhanced Weather - Rain and Snow mod, KOR's Vault, Puce Moose's first Point Lookout mod, and the latest version of Fort Freeway (without the weather control part because that was removed before I downloaded it).
Someone on here mentioned a problem that was fixed when they removed their weather mod, though I don't know how that could affect Feral Ghouls (unless it's a dirty mod, and edited records it shouldn't have touched).
possible glitch, but I have not been able to repeat it, so it may have been a fluke. I went into faragut station, killed the ghouls after the gas flow test. I was using jingwei's shock sword and turned them to ash. while I was still fighting (I have IIS and ghoul rampage) one of the ghouls came pack to life, and an invisible ghoul attacked me. all the ghouls had been turned to ash tho, so I am not sure if this was supposed to happen.
MMM has code to detect if a creature is being gooified or turned to ash, and to not do things like ressurrect ghouls or add skeletons. If a weapon from a new mod adds its own effect, MMM can't know about it and won't be able to prevent raising/skeletons from happening. Does Jingwei's shock sword add its own ash spell?
Anyone know if MMM is compatible with FaceMe? (new mod that incorporates all of the faced of series)
I'm in the process of talking to Qebehsenuf to help him make a master of his mod, and then I can add MMM, FOOK, FWE modules.
one thing with playing mmm that has happened to me repeatedly is that at times, I keep going and see no spawns, then I quick save and quick reload, and the spawns show up.
Yeah I've heard this too occasionally. No idea what causes it, but it's not MMM, it's part of the original game (though MMM may show it up more). There's also a weird quirk where the game 'loses time' the more you play. People have reported the time of day and dates being way off later in the games, and while this is largely a cosmetic effect, it can affect AI schedules and -- in the case of MMM prior to RC4 -- when spawns were being removed. RC3 was relying on GetGameDaysPassed and I was seeing some strange things where spawns wouldn't disappear when they should, and it's not the code: it was a very simple time passed check.
RC4 uses a system based on cell resets. Doesn't matter what the in-game timeframe is now, when a cell resets all spawns do.
On the whole Fallout is a beautiful game, but it's
so fragile compared to Oblivion. You had weird things in Oblivion, and odd issues to work around, but the game never CTDed no matter what was going on with a mod. In Fallout if you look at it the wrong way it will crash. Just to be clear -- I've worked on MMM for 9 months now, and literally half that time was spent working around quirks, bugs, and foibles in the engine (like all of the above), not actually coding, or designing, or even playing. To say it's a labour of love is incorrect -- this has not been fun. Like the week I spent wasted on Hunting & Looting where Bethesda's own functions for chaining AI package results would cause an instant CTD -- this isn't a bug in a script, it's using a pre-defined feature of the engine, enabled with a few simple fields. Guaranteed crash.
Oblivion was a rock, it rarely, if ever, died. Its functions worked, the engine was stable. Bugs in a mod really were in the mod. In Fallout, you never know if it's the mod or
yet another quirk of the engine, which you then work around by re-solving a problem you've already solved to see if that solution won't cause it to collapse. Then you do it again, and again, and again... until hopefully you find a solution, a mehtod, that does what you want without the game vomiting all over your screen.
I digress. But I think Fallout will be the last Bethesda game I mod.