hey Mart, i experienced a few crashes in certain tunnels while running fook, increased increased, feral rampage all together, i thought it was only the ghouls at first
its almost impossible to replicate this error, at first i thought it could be the loot in bodies, but after looking closely at your esps for compatibility, its not that at all, and in fact your plugins are very well compiled to match fook2
eventually i started crashing with super mutants, raiders, pretty much a lot of intense situations...then i popped open your esp and saw the "inumplayercombatatonce", and excess body removals etc...when i set them to default, the crashing completely Stopped, however, i realize why you increased it, which is the default (20) makes half the npcs on the screen into "idle zombies", so i set it to 30, and so far i've only crashed once in about 4 hours, "stress testing", game play is slightly affected but honestly its a really enjoyable experience
hey i thought id th row this out there, i could be completely wrong, lucky, ignorant or all 3 put together, but i figure what if you tinker with those settings maybe lowering the setting for fook+mmm users might just do the trick
That's a very interesting find veteran! Yes I raised a number of globals to ensure when adding Increased Spawns that you don't get the 'zombie' effect when the engine reaches its specified limit of how many actors to process at once. I also raise the corpse level so that it takes more dead bodies before the game starts cleaning them up, giving you the chance to collect on your loot.
But, as we know, Fallout 3 isn't exactly the most stable engine. If these values are causing issues in large fights, and reducing them can improve stability, then we may well need to reduce them, which is unfortunate. I'm in Linux atm the moment but will reboot later and post some suggested global variable changes, and will be very interested to see how that works for people.
the point is, i cant pinpoint exactly -what- causes these sometimes frequent crashes but ive noticed the following usually happens before the crash starts to creep its head
- whenever npc triggers specific behavior such as - crippled limbs, switching WEAPON TYPE from ranged to melee at close distance, retreating - it -feels- as if the engine is strugglining between both mmm and fook esps, maybe its a faction behavior, or unique packages for npc types perhaps too much bouncing of the variables upon startup causing risk for improper lists due to overwhelming amount of instructions (20+ plugins on top of eachother etc)?
-npc activates special behavior/power/feature, or at least that appears to be it with the feral ghouls, i dont think its resurrection, i think it may be something like the glowing one self destructing
-large numbers of npcs are alerted to player presence during STEALTH, ive crashed a few times when over 10-15 ghouls or raiders detect me and the *danger* indicator appears
-at times, a large portion of npcs seems to carry primary weapon off-hand going into the MELEE/FIST idle+walk animations, maybe this is in an "AI PACKAGE" or something, they wont fire their weapon, and simply stand in melee pose, or run around/take cover since they cant fire their weapon, ive crashed occassionally when 2 or 3 npcs are in the middle of a huge fire fight stuck in "melee"
-loot can seem like overkill (with both mods running at once), 2 types of grenades, 2 types of ammo per-npc, i have a feeling this can consume resources otherwise dedicated to overall stability by less strain of the engine in calculating so many different item types etc, maybe "trim" down loots to be more mainstream by having items both mods recognize avoiding unnecessary memory consumption
-fook2 adds a considerable amount of custom content" from weapons, to armor/clothing/weapon/clutter textures, models, etc. on mid to mid-high computers, this will most likely heavy loads/chokage, maybe freezing or not being able to save/quick load, crashing on cell transition etc when running in FULL quality, if you're running the "high res" world textures, dont even think about using the 4096x4096 package with both of these
Yep all of these point to stressing the engine. There's not much that can be done, except save often and perhaps quit Fallout 3 and re-start it every now and then (every hour or so?). The game has known memory leaks that will, eventually, cause a crash. Re-starting the game should 'reset the clock' as it were.
as far as MMM itself goes...its perfect
im gonna play some more i just spent 20 minutes writing this

I just wanted to know if there was an update to the Enclave Purifier Spawns after main quest ends. Its just annoying to have to clear them out (Im not even certain if they'll respawn after).
Not sure what you mean -- a number of versions ago the Enclave were given a quest variable check to ensure they don't spear near the purifier after the MQ is completed. This is a vanilla bug MMM fixes. Do you mean other enclave elsewhere? Send me a savegame with (as much as possible) no mods but MMM loaded while you're facing these guys and I can track them down.
i read somewhere on this board, about FO3 edit and creating a "merged patch" after your load order is complete and you have finalized which plugins you want to play with, you then load this "merged" esp LAST, and it appears to make new lists for all the "problem" leveld creatures, scripts, what have you
No no no. Well, mostly no.

FO3Edit's Merged Patch feature is not a silver bullet. It will only help
some mods interopate better by merging level lists, rather than replacing them. But this isn't always a good thing. There can be many examples, but here's just two from MMM:
* The MMM DLC - Broken Steel plugin reduces the occurance of Albino Radscorps in the Wasteland, creating a merged patch will undo this.
* The MMM FOOK2 plugins re-arrange some MMM spawn lists to operate with new FOOK ones, creating a merged patch will undo this.
The latter especially will have a big impact -- for eg the new MMM Slaver NPCs get merged into FOOK's new Slaver NPCs, creating equal chances for them all to appear. If you create a merged patch, the chances of the FOOK2 NPCs to appear will fall to less than 10%.
It's good that it appears to have helped your stability, but on the whole I prefer to run without a merged patch. It's a tool for
very specific purposes, should
only be used with hand-picked mods from your list and
not your entire load order, and you
must look over the resulting .esp with a fine toothed-comb to ensure it doesn't break features from your mods (as above). Remember, not all lists are supposed to be merged, some features of mods
rely on them being able to alter or overwrite certain lists. MMM is one of these, as is FOOK.
What you need isn't a merged patch, it's compatibility patches such as FOIP. These are hand-made, like those I make for MMM, to ensure the parts that need to 'merge' do so, while others that don't, don't.
there's a minor conflict between MMM-broken steel patch and the UFOP-broken steel patch, both add a script to the ghoul reaver (creature DLC03CrFeralGhoul4A). B)
Thanks, will check it out. If necessary will added any changes from UFP to the MMM script.
Hmmm, I get a crash when trying to start the game using FOOK2 and MMM together. If disable FOOK2 and use just MMM the game will start. And if I disable MMM and use just FOOK2 the game will start. Strange. Any ideas on what's going on? I get an error message saying that it is trying to reference memory but is unable to. This is the error report I get:
Yep spread the word! The
MMM FOOK2 DIK plugin requires: All DLCs, FOOK2, FOOK2 DIK plugin, MMM, all MMM DLCs. This is actually stated in the description of the .esp.