Which version of MMM are you using? Numerous causes of CTDs have been fixed in 4.0 and 4.1, it should be a very stable game now.
Keep in mind you're using FOOK2 beta as well, and this has had a few crash reports too. Don't expect a stable game with beta mods (and MMM still isn't quite at version 1.0 yet!).
Anyway, a potential fix: follow the MMM clean-save upgrade instructions at the very top of the first page of this thread. This gives you a 'clean' start where MMM is concerned and can help fix potential issues. It's a technique that can be used with any mod, btw, so you can do it with FOOK2 as well (just note the caveats).
Thanks for the replies!
Working on upping some save files, will append them [sorry megaupload].
Using RC41 in the Fort Constantine + Rockopolis save file. Additionally, I've included my previous char who also started crashing at Rockopolis with RC4. I performed a clean F03 install between the two, including replacing the ini etc so it's a bit of a mystery to me. I've got save files for 5 other chars that started to have repeat crashes when fast traveling (or just getting close) to certain areas, but they are old enough that I can't remember where. I can upload those also if anyone wants to have a look, but from the sound of it I would think it's some sort of corruption and not an MMM bug.
Aye, believe me I'm not expecting a stable game by any means, I'm just curious as to why it's relatively stable for 30 or so hours, and then suddenly becomes incredibly unstable. Obviously something is happening to cause it, and if other people aren't experiencing similar symptoms then I must be doing something wrong.
I did not see CASM in there anywhere so I am (dangerously) assuming you are using Beth's default Quicksave/Quickload/Autosave features. If so, its only a matter of time until the save is corrupted in some fashion.
Turn off Autosave, do not use the default quicksave and instead try CASM.
If you already have autosave disabled and do not use quicksaves then the answer is still "No, that's not normal."
Ever since the Oblivion days I've disabled autosave and never quicksave. I save via the console to a sequential filename (ie first save would be character initial, numeric, numeric, alpha, alpha - t01aa for first save, t01ab, t01ac etc), old habit that dies hard hence the omission of CASM. Important saves are labeled as such, and at the end of each game session I delete all but the ultimate save + labeled saves. Paranoid enough with save game corruption that I never save the same name twice, even if it wouldn't be overwriting.
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=IXUXTFY9 is the most recent game that crashes when fast traveling to Fort Constantine and Rockopolis. I can't confirm that just getting close to these destinations crashes also, because I crash before I can get to them w/o fast travel. This one crashes repeatedly after a cell respawn (fort) but Rockopolis works again. RC41
http://www.megaupload.com/?d=5VUVKCZB is my previous char from a couple months ago, which crashes near Rockopolis. Sometimes it crashes before I can see the entrance and sometimes I can run all the way up to the rock and stand there for 30 seconds before I CTD. This one I waited for a cell respawn, actually visited once a week for a month or so and it crashed every time. [EDIT: crashed on previous build with RC4, and also crashes on current build with RC41]
Both of these save files will crash at the aforementioned places on my computer with just vanilla f03.esm + MMM stuff. As stated the 2nd one crashed on a previous build including RC4 and I've since done a clean install etc etc so it should be reproducible on just about any machine?
I will go for the clean save bit, that never occurred to me as a method of fixing a bugged game (that's one of the reasons I always create a new char when adding a new mod or upgrading an existing one, it never passed my mind that it would be useful as something other than just a precaution -- duuuur), will report back what happens. Also may go for another clean install and try just vanilla + MMM and see if I can reproduce them.
Perhaps I should start using CASM as maybe there's something about saving via console that corrupts also? Certainly it couldn't do much more harm as I seem to be quite good at borking my saves on my own

Thanks again for the fast response!
[EDIT: Clean Save method fixed both of the reproducible crashes at Constantine and Rockopolis. Cleared out the surrounding area and will try fast traveling there again, which seemed to cause the issue in the first place. Possibly related to the scripted BoS outcast patrol that was hanging around at the gate and doesn't seem to ever go away. Rockopolis is just bad mojo for me, can't begin to even fathom why I have so much trouble with it... Thanks!!]