[EDIT: Clean Save method fixed both of the reproducible crashes at Constantine and Rockopolis. Cleared out the surrounding area and will try fast traveling there again, which seemed to cause the issue in the first place. Possibly related to the scripted BoS outcast patrol that was hanging around at the gate and doesn't seem to ever go away. Rockopolis is just bad mojo for me, can't begin to even fathom why I have so much trouble with it... Thanks!!]
No worries. Let me know if the issue reoccurs, or if the savegame cleaning upgrade fixed it permanently.
Is there a way MMMF3 can add relevant DLC weapons/armor to vanilla leveled lists, without changing anything else (like say Raiders with Double-Barrel Shotguns, Infiltrators and Tri-Beams to Talon Company / Regulators, Pitt Raider Outfits for vanilla raiders, etc, etc)?
I avoid doing anything equipment list related, so that MMM remains compatible with mods that do, like FOOK.
I can't get Floater's to despawn. I checked the No Floaters esp, slept for 4 days and restarted the game.. but their still there!
These things seem wwaaaayyyy too tough for low-level characters to take on.
Ok will check it out. If you enabled the No Floaters plugin after first seeing some, do they continue to respawn once you kill those ones?
Something I'd like to mention: I just finished "Take it Back!" (the final mainquest with Liberty Prime before BS). Along the road and over the bridge, 2xincr. spawns is clearly kicking in. Prime was literally covering the pavement with enclave chunks, and there were still WAY too many for him to handle. If he weren't indestructible, I doubt he would have been able to take them all on. I spent a LONG time hanging back and killing the stragglers he left behind (like over 100). I tried to loot as much as I could but there were so many corpses that a LOT of them would decay before I could get to them. Nonetheless it was like an avalanche of loot-chunks, especially the platform at Project Purity... which was covered in tons (hundreds?) of enclave. The sheer number of them lagged my machine like crazy, it took forever to clear them all out, even with Prime splattering them like insects. Finally, after it was over and I had looted all I could, I had acquired around 2000 MF cells and 3000 E cells, not to mention the vast amounts of plasma rifles and power armor I had no hope of carrying.
I will look and see if I can reduce IS during that sequence -- does everyone else agree?
I am going on and off with a Talon variants plugin so I don't see the same 5-8 faces all the time..
Example: http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/6230/mmmtvnewguy.jpg
Make sure it's MMM compatible or some features may not work.
Just noticed a bug that I have an intuition is MMM-caused: The Temple of The Union slaves' pack brahmin.
When it first appears, it's a generic Brahmin, subject to the MMM-introduced skin color variations that all the others have. However, when they pack up and head to Lincoln's Memorial, you don't see the pack on it, which includes the Lincoln Statue Head. It just remains the MMM-altered Brahmin.
Thanks for the report, will fix.
I seem to be losing a modest chunk of karma for killing hostile wasteland army robots, I vaguely remember reading about this problem in the past but I don't remember how it's fixed or if it's even caused by MMM.
Anyone else noticing this?
Just a quick question. Do the SM Behemoths have a chance ( probably very slim ) of spawning alongside a SM mob?
If so....wow. I was bumbling around the Mall on my way to the N. Archives when I saw some containers in a trench that I'd not looted before. So I dropped down to open them up, then realised I couldn't climb back out. So I went on down the trench and ran headlong into a Behemoth with a bunch of SM. The chase began, then I ran into a dead end....luckily I'd dropped a few bottlecap mines as I ran away and I heard it die round the last corner

Just wanted to say, epic, must have mod. Really enjoying it. Even if I run into a room with 15+ raiders. That's what I downloaded a grenade launcher for. Right?

Yes, indeed they do

Behemoths, and even Gargantuans, have a chance of spawning anywhere SMs do (outside only). It's quite low (around 2%) but that applies everytime SM spawns happen, so it's about right I think. See the 'Making Use of Globals' post on the first page of this thread if you want to increase or decrease the chance of having them appear.
I think I noticed something with the Hunting & Looting plugin..
I was fighting super mutants at the little outpost near Rivet City and noticed one of them had 6 frag grenades on his body..which I suspected he looted one of the ammo canisters nearby which would be acceptable. But one of the containers I picked was EMPTY, thus to a conclusion that the super mutant did "loot" a locked container..how?
Hunting & Looting only effects NPCs, not SMs, and even then only in/soon after battle -- some NPCs like Raiders will attempt to loot the corpses of the foes they've killed. Generally they are targeted at the corpse of the enemy they were shooting at, but the 'search' AI could conceivably open a container if it's very close nearby. I don't know if, from the game itself, NPCs can open locked containers, I doubt it.