Hi Martigen I just wanted to thank you for RC 4.1 .It is smooth , balanced , fun and all the things I hoped it would be for your monster mod. I know you worked a lot on this project since F03 has so many bugs; but i think you made it.
Even though you said theres no need to do a clean save for upgrading for 4.0 to 4.1 I found that a clean save fixes some issues with other mods which support MMM. Like "Raiders Talon and Regulators expanded" "Rude awakening" "MTC wasteland travellers" . So I strongly suggest a clean save

. Besides that I read here on this thread about "FO3 freezing" , i had the same problem and its not related to MMM. I found out that "Street Lights" mod freezes the game; so if your game freezes and you have streetlights mod try disabling it. So these were the issues which I had around the time RC 4.1 came out. I sorted my mods, cleaned the save and no more problems.
No worries, good to hear!
4.1 has been relatively crashfree so far, thank you Mart!

I have had a few crashes, but those were mostly on loading quicksaves, so I doubt those had anything to do with MMM

A small question if I may ask, would http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6254 be still compatible with 4.1? I am about to hit Arlington Cemetery, and would like to try this mod out, but it was made based on an older version of MMM I think, so.. not sure if it can be used.
I had a quick look and yes it's fine.
Hey, Mart.
Did you know that THIS : http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7201
Yeah, I'm watching it

One thing I'm not too keen on though is that the clothes/armor aren't lootable, they're static with the creature. This is fine with vanilla FGs as loin cloths don't appeal to most people. But some of these would be good to loot, only you won't be able to and it's immersion breaking. I do like the new Eyebot though, so yeah still considering

I found that Bob, son of the Dave, in the Republic of Dave, not included into NoAttack faction and can be killed by the deathclaw
Thanks delamer, will fix for next release.
So my current override looks as follows:
iNumberActorsInCombatPlayer 30 iAINumberActorsComplexScene 30 iRemoveExcessDeadTotalActorCount 30 iRemoveExcessDeadComplexTotalActorCount 30 iRemoveExcessDeadCount 20
I would personally suggest updating the GMSTs with those values. This really seems to be an engine limitation.
Thanks for testing that Kai, will update accordingly for the next release.
Ha, I FTed to Moonbeam Cinema and was staring at chest of a supermutant. If I had been taller I'd been kissing him, it was that close

There does seem to be an issue here of some sorts.
Keep in mind parent spawns (aka original vanilla spawns, not those added by Increased Spawns) never actually 'die' per se. When you kill one his corpse will remain until the cell reset, where upon he will respawn -- exactly where he died. This means if you leave a bunch of corpses at a fast travel point, leave and let the cells reset, the fast travel back, what will you see? Unfortunately, this is simply how the engine works and there's not much I can do about it. And, of course, since Increased Spawns works from the parent spawn, new Increased Spawns will appear at his location. It appears like you're being mobbed in the same spot, but it's just that you keep killing the parent spawn in the same spot!
I'd suggest not always fast travelling

First, I want to say, that your mod is really good! But one problem for me - this is on English language. Can I translate your mod and publish it on my websyte (http://bethplanet.ru)? And if you can, publish here, on Nexus website, that there are aviable on my websyte? (example: http://fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=6270)
No worries, go for it.
My character was only level 2 still so i was thinking maybe there was a minimum level requirement for the night ghouls to appear. Either that or the locations of the night ghouls may have changed from RC 3.
There are no set locations for Night Ghouls. They can spawn anywhere wilderness spawns occur, but only at night.
One question though: Can the Gargantuans be disabled and old Behemoths be re-enabled somehow?
Btw.: I still get Geckos running around, regardless of "No Geckos" Plugin.
No big deal though, I've grown accustomed to them and they all spawn neutral.

On the geckos, that shouldn't be the case. Have you done a clean-save upgrade as per the instructions at the start of this thread?
You can set the
MMMzBehemothChance global to 0, and this will prevent both random Gargantuans and Behemoths spawning anywhere SMs can be found outside. You will then have a vanilla game where there are just placed one-off Behemoths, with the exception that the Evergreen Mills Behemoth is a Gargantuan. You still have to fight one of the big boys, but only one

It's at Evergreen Mills -- let him out and watch the Raiders take care of him on Increased Spawns.
Something a little like this (watch it in HD): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6p7XBgf-Do
@Martigen: Thanks again for your help/reminder on doing the clean save method with my BoS problem.
It worked! I almost feel like an idiot... almost. wink.gif
Before I had this problem, I followed the instructions and did the clean save method when I upgraded from MMM 3.x to 4.1, BUT...
Apparently I did something wrong or forgot one of the modules. This time I included the plug-in Foes Reworked NG "Mart's Muntant Mod MMF4 - Foes Reworked NG.esp". Not sure if it would effect my issue, but I included it this time.
No worries

That could very well be the cause, as that .esp will contain records from MMM plus as it needs the MMM.esm master, it will have loaded this for you when you loaded your game -- in other words, MMM wasn't disabled when you made your clean save. It's a good point to raise for anyone else -- when cleaning your savegame of any mod, be sure to deselect *all* .esps from the mod itself and any other mods that include compatibility modules.