Martigen, et. al. -
Once again, I must thank you profusely for all of the awesome work you have done: BRAVO!
I started a new game w/ RC 4.1, and I am over 90 hours into it. For the first time, I am using increased increased spawns (and Rampage, of course), and I use all of the new creatures except for the flies. For the most part, everything is running great. However, I do have a few question/comments/complaints....
+ I have only encountered young molerats once, and have never encountered pups on this playthrough. That makes me sad

+ I have seen very few geckos this time around, and far too many f@*n protectrons.
+ Speaking of Protectrons, why are they so weak? Were they always that weak? It sure would be cool if MMM added a few levelled bots...
+ Brahmin are spawning in HUGE numbers; southeast of Canterbury looks like Texas! That is great, but why are Brahmin, even the all too rare Mad Brahmin, so weak when they attack, and so easy to kill? Also, why can't I cut a Brahmin Steak from a dead Brahmin? What a gip! I'm Hungry!
+ Speaking of animal loot; for the most part, I like the loot you added, but I do have some criticisms....
-First of all, most loot is NOT valuable enough. Maybe it's because I use XFO & FOOK2, but most of the animal loot is pretty useless to me.
-I think a whole dog pelt or gecko skin should be worth at least 10 caps, and then multiplied by two for each succesive increase in quality.
-Yao Guai eyes, okay, but how about a Yao Guai gall bladder? (Bethesda gripe: Yao Guai?? Why the hell would the english name for 'bear' change to the Chinese name for bear?? That's lame.)
-Night ghoul eyes are cool... but why don't you get any rads from eating them? And why do some night ghouls have three or four eyes on them? (I know, it might be because of hunting & looting). Also, night ghoul junk loot spawns seem to be triplicating or even quadrupling since latest FOOK2 patch. (4 harmonicas? Wow, that night ghoul must have loved the blues!)
+ Concerning the Perception decrease in the dark: I would say 2 points should be the max, and definately make it optional. In fact, that sort of change seems sort of out of the scope of MMM, but it's your mod, so do as you please. I think if people can't see enemies in the dark, it's probably because they use Fellout or some other darker nights mod... I think vanilla nights are not very dark for exactly that reason.
+ Behemoth bad spawn point = 'Super Mutant Camp' between Jefferson Memorial/Project Purity and Rivet City. It gets stuck behind barriers, but that makes it a lot easier to kill by yourself at low level Also, I had a behemoth spawn when I was very low level, maybe 4 or 5... is that right?
+ Someone recommended making MMM have an options menu instead of modules, I would I would be VERY happy to see that, if you ever get around to it. As it is now, whenever I add a new mod, I have to ditch an old mod, because I have TOO MANY MODS!!! My slots are filled and FO3 does weird stuff when you have too many mods. So, because of MMM, many many many lesser mods never get to grace my Fallout experience. At the very least, can you make an .esp with all of the DLC? please? If you get a chance...
+ I can't wait until someone makes some dungeons with the new creatures. "What's that sound coming from the mythical lower decks of Rivet City? Why, it's scores of Wanamingos crunching the bones of hapless adventurers, of course!"
+ Speaking of new creatures, a mountain lion, giant spiders, and mutated humans would be awesome!
+ One would think that the instances of birth defects would be increased in a heavily irradiated world. Why is it that we see no cases of Albinism, Dwarfism, Gigantism, cleft pallette, general Retardation or other mutational effects? What about Amputees? Put those crutches to work!
+ Why aren't there any Ghoulish Raiders?
+ Why aren't there any black Ghouls?
+ Why am I asking so many damn questions?
+ Are you (or any one else) ever planning on increasing the number and diversity of non-hostile NPC spawns? Just curious.
+ Finally; and this is one of my biggest issues/questions/grovelingly humble requests: I know that up until now, MMM has only altered spawn points. This, of course, means that areas with individually placed creatures still have the exact same number of creatures in them as the dreaded Vanilla game. Do you, or God, or anyone, have plans to ever either add more creatures to these areas or change the individual creatures to levelled spawns? That would be so awesome! ... and so much work, I'm sure. It would be awesome, though. I am referring to places like Greyditch, Marigold station, Jefferson Memorial, Anchorage Memorial, etc., etc.. Places that just seem empty after the rest of the wasteland on increased increased MMM action.
Thanks so much for slogging through all this (if you did; otherwise, up yours! haha). I know some people probably loathe my excessively verbose posts, but hey, at least I can spel. Mart, you're totally awesome at responding to comments too, so i am sure you'll have fun with this. Actually, you'll probably say "double-you-tea-eff?" and ignore this and all of my other posts, which is what you should do :hubbahubba:
As usual, my disclaimer: These are just the wild ideas of an overactive imagination, not demands, I know you can't do them all, so feel free to nitpick everything I said, ignore me, say "double-you-tea-eff?", ban me, etc.
Thanks Mart! Long Live MMM!!!