I'm just not very fond of giant creatures, they have many problems both technically and lore related (how do they feed them?!). Also, even with the new skins there's still limited variety among supermutants, and the Overlords don't start to spawn until very late in the game. It seems like they're still very rare at lvl 24 where I'm now.
Another tier of supermutant would help with that I think.
When I update the DLC plugins to add DLC creatures to the normal lists, I might play with how Overlords are introduced.
Pretty sure I'm not. The only real texture replacer I have is FaceMe, I think, and the problem of the purple raiders and invisible creatures goes away when I take MMM4.2 out of my mod list.
FaceMe edits NPCs and is incompatible with MMM (and FOOK) without a compatibility module, which currently doesn't exist. For now load FaceMe before FOOK and MMM. You will lose some of FaceMe's changes for geneirc NPCs (the type MMM deals with) while still getting its effects for unique NPCs.
Ok I am getting a ctd issue. I turned off every mod but mmm and was able to recreate the crash 100% of the time. I turned on all mods but mmm and didn't crash. Imo still doesn't mean mmm is at fault, but figured it cant hurt to ask for advice..
edit: Getting the crash at the enclave camp between vault 101 and vault 106 -- it has no name. Its next to a fallen grain silo and ruined house + windmill
edit2: Uninstalling mmm waiting 4 days, reinstalling mmm and waiting another 4 days appears to fix it
Note: I am currently using master update and merged patch. I have tried both mmm 4.1 and 4.2 both have the issue. I think its FFEnclaveCamp27 ..
I'll check it out. Also make sure your merged patch is updated or, preferably, don't use it -- only WMK requires it, among the mods I'm aware, and even then you should select only mods that interact with WMK when you make it -- and even
then open it up and remove any entries that shouldn't be there -- creature and NPC lists for one. Let the FOIP modules do their job, as currently merged patches will undo FOIP changes (and FOIP modules are, quite literally, hand-built merged patches that merge what needs to be merged, and doesn't merge what shouldn't).
Since MMM already pretty much touches a large swath of actors, do you think it'd be possible to use this and make detection events for when you kill someone? It bugs me that I can stealth kill someone right as another of his comrades is looking and nothing happens. Heck, it even happens when they're being vaped by energy weapons.
This is a good idea

I'll look into it after the next update. Also, I'm not too familiar with all the game settings (there are a
lot) but I think some of these may have an impact on how NPCs at range react to dead comrades. I'm pretty what you describe doesn't happen at close range, so it may be a simple game setting tweak. The FOOK team, Mez or Arwen may know. Even so I can still add a detection method -- but what would you like? For them to be aware something has happened and try to search the area weapons drawn, or something more evil and have them notice the player and come after you?

On a slightly different note, why the low experience count for Behemoths and Gargantuans?
I only get +62, the same as for an Overlord, but it takes a lot more ammo to knock off the Behemoths and Gargantuans.
Actually Gargs are already scripted to give you +100 XP (in addition to the default XP) if you kill one, where killing is defined as the Garg died whilst you were involved in combat when its health was less than 25%.
If you're not getting this XP bonus let me know, might be a problem with the script.