A few comments...
- On MMM in general:
Many thanks, once more!
I'd never play F3 without this mod!
- "Added NPCs now lose Perception while outside at night":
The idea is great, if for realism alone.
But I'd like to point out a possible problem with this, just in case you hadn't thought of it.
Are the cons and pros of this change well balanced?
It may have more of a negative effect on all outdoor NPCs (including "allies"), rather than to add much of a benefit to the player?
(Isn't sneaking generally quite easy, especially with added gear, like stealth suits and stealth boys)?
Places like Big Town and wandering/patrolling NPCs (e.g. Outcasts guarding Fort Independence) may become (even more) easy prey to everything stalking the night.
Doesn't reduced PER mean the NPCs notice mons...er..."mutants" much later?
It wouldn't be much of an addition to the gameplay if the NPCs we were supposed to sneak past already died by blindly fighting night-creatures.
- Ant diversity (Obsolete topic?):
Have to agree with a previous comment. Don't ants (of one community) usually all look the same? That is not a relevant question regarding
mutated ants, but can be taken into consideration when pondering a "
need" for diversity.
- NPC size scaling:
Those extreme size differences still seemed realistic to me...although maybe not in that frequency.
- SM Gargantuan:
The difference in arm-sizes is an entertaining feature. But since "size-scaling realism" has become a topic, I'd like to point out that his itsy-bitsy tiny legs could never support/balance his gigantic upper body. At least, he couldn't run around like a normal...er...biped...humanoid.
That's a more distracting visual than the size contrast between NPCs ("How can that thing walk like that?").
(I exchanged his model with the "normal" version in my game, but now his attacks look somewhat less convincing. His hand never seems to connect with the bodies he pummels. I also miss his huge arm
