The Leveled Creature/NPC lists depend on the PCs level and the encounter zone sets a minimum and maximum level that can be used.
So if the player is level 1 but the encounter zone's min level is 4, creatures up to level 4 on the leveled lists can spawn. In theory to delevel areas you could just set encounter zones minimum level to 20(30 with BS) and the complete leveled lists would be used.
Atleast that's how it should work afaik, did you find something contrary to that?
That's currently how the deleveling works (in RC6 the MMM encounter zone is currently set to 20), but to ensure the player gets a creature spawned above their level (and not something they would normally encounter anyway), I pin it in the upper range using placeleveledactoratme on Hard or Boss and adjusted some lists to also include medium spawns at the top level so there's variety, without watering down the overall percentages (note the enc zone doesn't set a ceiling unfortunately, it just becomes the player level, and the leveling options work off this). It's mostly working as intended, but isn't ideal as it could introduce compatibility probs and add more work for other mods and FOIP patches (for one, I think creating a merged patch is going to restore the level list changes for the MMM BS plugin I made that moves this 'ceiling' range of mid-high creatures back into to where it is when BS isn't loaded, which will throw off percentages). And, when a players level is above the enc zone according to the docs this is meant to be halved and added to the enc zone to determine the 'computed level', but from my testing so far this isn't entirely accurate. Creatures that should be above that are getting spawned. To test all this I actually made a level list with 25 entries, one for each level with a different creature at each, and tested various combinations of enc zone level, player level, and 0-4 on placeleveledactoratme (and here the % level adjustment in the wiki is accurate, but it was interesting to see the 'range' it selects, usually +/- 1 level).
The easiest solution would just be to set the enc zone to 30 and specify no level type for placeleveledactoratme and we get a genuine anything can spawn from a list -- but then we can't control the percentage chance of a high level creature appearing, the chance would be down to the number of entries in the list, might be low or might be very high. I'd prefer players be able to control the chance a unleveled spawn can appear. So what I've settled on after doing the testing is not modifying the level lists at all, using an enc zone of 10, and passing all of 0-3 to placeleveledactoratme scaled depending on player level to ensure there's a good range of all spawns always above their current level, while not having Albinos spawn at level 3 if BS is loaded. Looks like it's going to work quite nicely.
Hello Martigen,
Any plans to integrate these mutant creatures to MMM ?
Yes, I plan to add some of these down the track, it's on the to-do list