I like R. A. Salvatore too, but I do think he may have gone a little overboard with Grandmaster Kane, sure powerful people are nice but from what I′ve read there is not even a measurement to his power, Artemis gets his dagger on him but you find out later that Kane allowed it to happen and could have stopped him at any time, and Charon′s Claw supposedly presented him with 0 challenge mentally speaking. It′s almost like if he could wipe out the entire Underdark alone, taking down the entirety of Menzoberranzan and taking out all the illiths without failing. I′d like to see monks in TES strong enough to take on a dragon but he′s just... over the top...
Jarlaxle on the cover of "Servant of the Shard" in "The Sellswords" series, funnily enough the full cover just happens to have a dragon on it too
just the creatures we are discussing monks fighting against.
Jarlaxle on the cover of "Servant of the Shard" in "The Sellswords" series, funnily enough the full cover just happens to have a dragon on it too

Well it is based on D&D where people level up and post level 10ish are pretty freaking unstoppable. At that level people can single handed take on armies. Not sure what edition of the game grandmaster kane comes from if its 1e he'd be freaking absurd.