#1 Install Wrye Python 01 package
#2 Put the Wrye Bash 279 archive in your "Oblivion" folder and use 7-zip's "extract here" command from the right-click menu.
#3 Create a short cut to Wrye Bash on your desktop or quick launch tool bar. (What version of Windows are you running?)
--Shortcut target: %PythonInstallDriveLetter%:\Python25\pythonw.exe "%OblivionInstallDriveLetter%:\games\Oblivion\Mopy\bash.py"
--Shortcut startin: %OblivionInstallDriveLetter%:\games\Oblivion\Mopy
#4 Run Wrye Bash from the shortcut. The first screen is the "File" tab. You should see Oblivion.esm (and the SI plugin if you install SI.)
--If You see other plugins. You did not uninstall everything through OBMM, or you manually installed some mods and did not remove them. Do so now.
#5 Click on the Installers Tab to initialize it. It creates and "Oblivion Mods\Bash Installers" folder under the "Oblivion" folder.
...I'll break here for a bit...
I'm with ya...one sec
Okay. Issue #1 ... My OOO installation was not done through OBMM. It was originally done manually by extracting archives. The two patches, 1.32 and 1.33, however, were done in OBMM and I can deactivate those.
Honest question: Would it be better for me to just uninstall Oblivion, delete my Data directory, and start completely fresh? I don't really mind doing it if it would make things easier.
I have all my mod archives, the patch and so forth in a folder.