Yeah thats why so many of the governors are freaking man[censored]s.
It was a comment of the system overall (republicanism) not modern politics.
Nomads are not necessarily democratic. I think it's common to have tribal elders and/or sheiks that their clans will follow. Of course, there can be democratic elements within the tribe, such as the tradition of a day each week when the people of the tribe can have an audience with the sheik, appealing for justice on various disputes.
That is pretty democratic. Even in a democratic system or a republican system, the people don't make every decision. They choose a group of people to make that decision. Nomads actually have a greater say in their politics than modern democracies or republics. They are also generally presented with fewer options, as they are nomads and much of what they do is ruled by the necisitty of survival.
Tamriel has no tradition of republics or constitution, or even democratic philosophy that I can see, so it's more likely that Tamriel is now faced with a choice between anarchy and monarchy. The Council is not going to "rule by committee" as far as I see, and are probably concerned with their own fiefdoms anyway.
The Council has "ruled by committe" plenty of times before, and for much of the Septim Empire, the Council has had all the true power with the Emporer just being a figurehead. Why can't it happen again?
Its common in societies that have reached a certain level of social development. Thats different from natural. Monarchies, empires, despotisms, dictatorships etc have a common element. The rulers will is maintained by force. If it was natural to humans to accept a single leader force wouldn't be needed.
It is natural for humans to have a leader, as we are a tribal species. We have always had leaders. Even in mesolithic times (ie, no social development)
Force is necessary to keep the current leader alive and out of reach of others who want to be leader. If people don't want to be ruled, they won't be ruled. Humans usually accept being ruled by one person. If they don't, that one person won't rule much longer, because force won't stop the whole of a people. Examples are the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, fall of the USSR and many modern African states. When the majority of the people says that the government has not right to rule, it doesn't. That happens in democracies and Republics, which are also led by people who say that are fit to be our leaders. Just for different reasons.