My hatred for wrye bash stems from dealing with FCOM for days on end before giving up on the constant overload of problems with the mods I won't play without, I could never get everything to work correctly together, it quickly became an endless maze of trap doors I simply decided was a waste of time. So now I just skip/uninstall anything that ends up needing WB to work correctly, saves me a lot of hassle.
And while CCR-EE may be what's conflicting with MMM, I know elaborate eyes part isn't the main culprit because of the missing meshes and textures to the head as a whole as well as body texture problems. Although I think Race Balancing Project may have been a problem too, I'm too tired to test more, so I'll do so once I get some rest.
Hatred for Wrye bash can be taken to another thread..has well Bash is great program and should be used since it resolves compatiblity problem between mods..
Once again your problems are not with MMM , they are with CCR-EE and Using Race Balancing Project has well (which requires bash to work right) .
If you are using body mods then you need to install the body mods files from rbp itself..
Else these problem are not related to MMM at all. But with those mods instead..
Finally got Oblivion working (2 hours and a reinstall of MMM later), only problem is an "a" with two dots above the compass (white letter in black box), my compass is in the bottom middle of screen, it appears periodically. Know it's nothing to do with MMM, but I thought i'd throw it out there!
Not sure what could be causing that..since you upgraded mmm version, you did uninstall old version first before istalling this version correct..and have waited x amount of days in safe area for changes to take effect correct..