:clap: Glad to have the little fishy's back :clap:
just wait to see them in action,
Great can't wait for the fishies! Thanks for the recommendation but Im cool with the regen! I just didnt know what was going on..I actually like the fact that a level 11 is off limits to a level 1 now..hehe..without DR the stats just dont mean that much...thats a hidden benefit of using that mod after all a level 11 should school you if lev 1...Keep up the good work on MMM!
we all get schooled by those higher lvl types, even exprienced player's, dr can only help so much, uv has well..
any idea if MMM Slofs Horses Complete is compatible with Ulrim's Horses? Ulrim's is intended to be used with Slof's Horses, and I was wondering if using rename master in Wrye Bash would make it work properly or not. I'd try this out for myself, but I don't have Oblivion installed atm

it should, if you check older mmm thread, I mentioned it and some one reported that it worked fine.
If you rename the master to MMM Slof Horse Complete. if you do not have oblivion installed then reinstall it.