Thanks for the reply corepc. Few more points ^^
If i understand well i hence should not install the third party new creatures from Fran's as you explained in the install notes,
but also not the creatures of his second mod, the optional new items creatures mod. Good to know, thanks.
B )
In the install notes (both on planet elder and on tesnexus), you said :
/Quote :
Recommended Plugins
It's highly recommended to play with the following plugins for the full MMM experience:
- Damage & Durability
Looting NPCs & Creatures - More Wilderness Life
Looting Npcs & Creatures/Quote
So you said twice "Looting Npcs & Creatures". Which one did you want to say instead of this one ? It might be gem & gem dust ?
Then a very dumb question : You say in the install notes :
1] Unzip the MMM37b3bsa.7ip to your Oblivion/Data directory
2] Unzip the MMM37b3p3.7zip to folder where you download it too.
3) Select 'Mart's Monster Mod.esm' (If using OOO also select MMMforOOO.esm)
4) Select ONE of the following and copy to Oblivion/Data Directory
'Mart's Monster Mod.esp' - And Rename MMM.bsa to Mart's Monster Mod.bsa
'Mart's Monster Mod for Frans.esp' - And Rename bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for Frans.bsaAt 3), you mean select the MMM.esm... and copy to Data directory I guess (like for 4), but I do not have to double click the bsa and extract everything right ? Coz if i double click obmm asks directly if i wanna extract the files. This is not needed, right ? Simply copy it in data is enough ?
A small detail also, you say
"'Mart's Monster Mod for Frans.esp' - And Rename bsa to Mart's Monster Mod for Frans.bsa" . Just to let you know the .esp for Frans in your MartsMonsterMod37b3 file is called Mart's Monster Mod for FRAN.esp , without the "s" at the end of "Fran". I don't know if the bsa and the .esp must have the same name but just to let you know if they must have the same name.

And last thing, if I read well the install notes, I do not need to use wrye bash to merge MMM with Frans if i follow exactly the install notes you gave, and hence install only the fran's tools that you say ? Is that correct ?
Thanks corepc.