Hmm, guess this release is more stable than I thought..mmm thread has been dead for a few days now..Gotta give everyone something to play with so ..
Divese WaterLife
- ShadowBorn - done her scripting magic once again, highlights are this..
- resolved issue of fish flopping and almost any chance of them spawning on land has well. Water Gods will teleport them away back into the Water.
- Hopefully resolved issue of Npc not follwing Pathgrids, has setallreachable is not activated until player is swimming.
- resolved issue of fishes not swimming that great, this version they are all over the place, speedy fish, slow fish, just wait and see
Please report any strange npc issue or fish issue, has we could only test it so much, we need more input on the fixes..
Enjoy Team MMM
What about
"MMM Runeskull Rebalance Beta 2 Release.7z"
or it was merged in some recent release (02 November)?
Also i don't find link to the last
MMMDiverseWaterLifeUpdate (04 december)
in the first page.
MMM Runeskulls Rebalance Beta 2 has not be merged, that will be next version in which is get merged.
Waterlife is not posted on first page, you would have read to find it..
Not sure if this has been reported, but I found something:
MMM Hunting & Crafting refers to the invalid lionhide mesh directory for its lion pelt. (The MMM for OOO plugin has the correct directory, but is overridden by the Hunting and Crafting patch.)
Not a problem has MMM H&C overwrite OOO with it own hide that can be crafted,
it was intended to be this way for compatibliy reason.