Mask Of Corvo (Dishonored) - Skyrim Mod

Post » Sun Aug 25, 2013 7:47 pm

Release Trailer:

Nexus download page here:

This mod adds a standalone craftable new mask to the game, which was inspired by the infamous mask of Corvo Attano in the great Bethesda game, Dishonored. It uses the same vanilla mesh as all of the other Dragon Priest Masks (with the exception of the Ultra version Konahrik which has tusks) but features a unique texture every stealthy player out there should enjoy. It uses high quality 2k diffuse texture maps with custom made enhanced normal maps for both the hood and the mask.

It is light armor only and has the same base armor rating as the ebony Dragon Priest Mask Nahkriin (23) but also features several built-in enchantments, one of which is a unique ability only to this mask and caters for the stealth approach in combat, especially at night.

Check out the Nexus link provided for more information.


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