I honestly liked what i saw for this game even this, i am really exited of the evolution of the game, i really like a voiced protagonist because that will make me feel more interested in the story whihc is always one of the weakes part of Bethesda games, the story telling, it was a long time ago since i played FO3 but i remember it was decent in the story telling but i do remember Skyrim and it was terrible i didnt really felt anything i did mattered at all and they even said they wanted to make a high impact story in this open world, these seems to me they once and for all going to aleviate which what have been the main weaknes of Bethesda tittles, the story telling.
Now i can see the concern of the people saying we are going to have less options and stuff and it could be like that but we havent really seen much of this yet,the 4 options button dosent mean we only gonna have 4 things to say we can be seeinng that one button expands to another 3 buttons or more, we will see becuase even Bioware games are not 4 button conversations, its a wheel with somethimes 7 options or more.
Some guy said "its a step in the right direction" Cmon, please i hate when people say that, you may think that but your opinion can be a stupid opinion you know?, it sounds like you think you know better than the developers themselves or something, dont do that.
Back on the topic i liked it but i can see the concern people have and i certainly dont want this game to be another Bioware game.