What do you think about the Mass Effect style dialogue system presented in the F4 premier?
I personally feel like it is several steps backwards compared to where dialogue was in NV and even F3. Thoughts?
What do you think about the Mass Effect style dialogue system presented in the F4 premier?
I personally feel like it is several steps backwards compared to where dialogue was in NV and even F3. Thoughts?
Only 4 dialog options per convo...that...svcks.
But yeah dialog wheel in general. Ugh.
My least favorite reveal.
Combined with the voice actor, easily one of the most disappointing things about the game. You could not get more wrong than what they just did right there.
It's the one area I was praying that would be improved upon and in reality writing and dialogue options have regressed significantly.
the forced voice acting is meh, but I'd get over it. I do like how (or atleast) it was implied that there are several different possible dialog possibilities from one choice.
The four options only is really disappointing....
That means your skills no longer will yield different dialogue options and any major choices will be cut down to the likely ''Black vs White''. We pretty much have a slightly modified Skyrim dialogue system.....
I will reserve judgement until I play, but it didn't seem so bad and I can see it feeling almost natural after a while. I do hope you get the option to turn it off if you get tired of it.
They didn't get much into story and how dialogue works. Soooo...hmmm. I dunno.
Others beat me to it, but don't worry about the dialogue view being forced third-person. Todd said that you can stay in first person if you wish.